Chapter Seven

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(AN the picture is kinda what Cody looks like only with green eyes)

I was shocked, he was kissing me, and I was kissing back. But we're just friends! At least, I think we are, right?

He pulled away and realized what he had did. "I- oh my gosh.........I- I'm sorry." He said backing away. "I don't know..... What came over me." He said looking at me. I stood there not saying a word, which wasn't helping the situation.

"Ella?" He said, "y-yes?" I said still shocked at what had just happened. "Can we.... Forget about the kiss? Go back to normal?" He pleaded. I nodded, but I wanted to not forget it.

"Let's- head back to the bus." He said, walking in the direction I'm hoping, the bus is. We were at the exit
of the park, when I turned to look back at the hooded man. He was still there. "Ella? You coming?" I heard Cody say. The man reached for something in his pocket, I ran over to Cody.

"What were you looking at?" He asked, "Nothing, just..... Waiting for Charlie." I said. I pulled on her leash to keep her close. "You hungry?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. He wasn't kidding she he said forget about the kiss.


When we go to the bus, George said our next stop was the airport, Cody had to be in Ireland by Tuesday, today was Sunday. "I'm going to go make something to eat, do you want som-" "Chicken. I want chicken." I said. I was in the mood for some chicken.

"Alright, chicken coming right up." He said heading to the kitchen. I made my way over to the bunks, I threw myself onto my bed. I thought about what happened at the park.

I replayed what happened over and over in my mind. His smile when he found me, then out of now where he kissed me. And...... I kissed back. But, I don't, love him? Am I falling for my best friend? I reached up to touch my lips.

His lips were really soft, my head stilled buzzed with shock and happiness from the kiss.

"Knock knock sleeping beauty!" I jumped at the sound of his voice, "I brought you your chicken!" He said setting down a plate of chicken down on my lap. "Thanks!" I said, I slowly took I bite of chicken, Cody.... Wasn't the best cook in high school.

When I bit into the chicken I was surprised on how good it tasted. "I know what your thinking, I wasn't the best cook in high school, and this tasted delicious, who did you have make it?" I nodded taking another bite of chicken. "Well, it was me! Being on the road, you have to learn to cook yourself!" He said matter of factly.

"Well...... You've learned, and it's delicious!" I said I between a mouth full. "Thank you my lady!" He said bowing down to me. "Stop it!" I said playfully shoved him down. "Ouch!" He said, Cody started to fake cry and rub his head.

"Mommy!" He shouted. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, I think there's a five year old trapped inside a twenty one year olds body. "Stop your crying! Get me more chicken!" I shouted playfully, but demanding. "Fine! Be all bossy!" He said storming out of this area.

"Wait for me!" I shouted jumping on his back. "Yaw horsey!!" I shouted. We really throughout the bus, acting like we were three again.


"I'm so tired!" I heard Cody say, "Then go to bed!" I whined back. ,"But I want to stay up with you! I want to finish the movie!" He said. I rolled my eyes. I took a handful of popcorn and threw it in my mouth.

"Yawwwwwwn!" I heard Cody say, "stop, I'm trying to watch the movie!" I said. "Your watching lion king, I'm bored." He said. "Well do you have anything better?" I said what I was expecting was a new movie, but I was wrong.

Cody jumped up and started to tickle me, "S-Stop!!" I said laughing. "I know your sides is were your the most ticklish at!" He said. I reached up to find Cody, I slapped his face playfully and he pulled away and stopped tickling me. "Hey!!!" He said laughing still at my reaction.

"It was needed!" I said shoving him away so he didn't start tickling me again. "Well, now that happened, I'm going off to bed, see you in the morning." I said. "Night, Ella." Cody said. "Night Cody."


Bang! Bang! Bang!

I woke up to pots and pans being banged together. "Cody! Shut up!" I said. "Never! It's time to get up! We're at the airport, we need to get ready to leave!" He said, continuing to bang pots together.

"Alright! But you couldn't wake me up normally?" He shook his head. "Nope!" He said popping the 'P'. I fooled up out of bed and began to get ready.


When we got on the plane, we had to be escorted throughout the airport and into the plane from all the fans and potential killers. Now that I thought about it, there had to be another reason Cody was wanted dead. Not just because of haters.

I put that thought aside and looked around, enjoying the fact that I was going to Dublin Ireland. I'm gonna miss Charlie though. We made a stop a Jessie's and told her our scenario. She agreed to watch Charlie while I went on tour with Cody.

I don't know what I'd do without her.

I looked over at Cody, the thought of our kiss in the park was still fresh in my mind, I wish we could kiss ag- wait! What?
I don't wish that! But at the same time I kinda do? I caught myself staring at Cody's lips, I quickly looked away.

Don't want to be asked any questions in public. That would be embarrassing.

I reached for my phone and put in my head phones. This was a long flight, and I was planning on sleeping it out.


When I woke up, I saw Cody was sound asleep next to me, his normal quiff hair style was slightly out of place, which was cute. I reached for my camera and took a picture of sleeping Cody. My plan was to take pictures of my trip with him, and make a scrap book of them.

Then I had the most brightest ideas ever. What will his fans think of me if I post a picture of him sleeping on Twitter? An sneaky smile appeared on my face as I took a picture and posted it on Twitter.

One problem, he's gonna see it at one point, which will be the best, I think I just started a prank war.

"Fasten your seat belts we will be landing soon." The pilot said. "Cody." I shook him gently. "Cody!" I shook a little harder. This man sleeps through everything, I decided the only way to wake him up was to slap him. So that's what I did.

It woke him up quick. "Ow!" He said looking at me. "We're landing soon and I needed you to be awake now, so I slapped you after you wouldn't wake up." I said shrugging it off. "Whatever." He said looking out his window.

Soon enough we landed and got off the plane. "Papa." I heard Cody say angrily. "What now?" "Paparazzi, there here." He said. "Take my hand or you will be separated from me." He said.

I took his hand fast as we headed through the crowd of cameras. When we reached the car, I was grateful.

"First time with the paps. How was it?" He said in a teenage girl kind of way setting his head on his hand looking at me. "Awful. Never again to I want to go through that." I said smiling. "Well, get y
Used to it." He said looking out his window.

"This is the life of a popstar." He said.

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