Chapter Two

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Cody pulled away from his 20 billionth hug and looked at me with the biggest grin. I couldn't help but smile a little bit, his smiles was and always has been contagious. Then the question came to my head, ruining the moment.

What if he hated me for doing what I did?

Abandoning him all that time ago? Or has he forgotten?

"Ella, uh mind if I sit with you?" I nodded my head, "You can." I fumbled with my words. I am now officially embarrassed that I hadn't invited him to sit with me before hand.

He nodded at two men near him to go away , so we could have some alone time, to talk.

They must be his guards, to protect him from all the crazy fan girls? I don't know its my guess.

"So? How life been for you Ella? It's been awhile....." He started are small conversation back up. "Fun I guess, Ericka and I have talked, I got an apartment, it's near this area..... About and 15 minutes away. How about you?" I asked out of habit. He smiled, obviously glad I continued with the conversation.

"Uhh, well..... Long story, but I-"

He stopped mid sentence, he reached over and pulled something out of my bag I had on the bench. "Ella?" I knew what he had, I watched his body and eyes for anger or frustration. Nothing. Either he's good at hiding emotions or I'm just really bad at seeing emotions.

Or maybe hes happy you have this?

Of course not that's crazy.

I glanced over at his hands, which now held his album I had bought just recently and listened to non stop trying to remember anything. Honestly I missed him over all. In a friend way.

"I..... Can explain why that's there?" I hesitated.

"Ella, you..... I thought, that you forgot about- this...... I thought- you wouldn't have even had considered to buy this-" I watched as he stared at the album, before giving the happiest grin. "Yeah, I saw it, and just, fell in love with the music I guess?" I responded quickly. I felt my cheeks flush red, gosh dang it hormones!

He stared at me intently before glancing down at the album. Before i had a chance to break the silence there was an ear piercing scream heard before we were surrounded by hormonal teenage girls.

I felt a soft hand grab mine and pull me towards what i hoped was the exit.

I barley head the, "I got you, follow me." From Cody before we somehow made it to a bus that was acrossed the street.

When did this get here? And How did i miss it?

The screaming came to a dull hum once we were inside and the doors where locked.

"Sorry about that- sometimes they just come out of no where." He said sheepishly sitting down on a small couch. We must've gotten on his tour bus.

"Its alright... so..." was all i could get out without making it more awkward. He offered me a drink and i took it realizing how thirsty i was.

"Ella... its been forever." He said grabbing my hand, turning me to him almost spilling water all down the front of me.

"Cody don't... what happened last time.." as soon as i said those words i felt the pain enter the atmosphere, and fill his eyes with sorrow.

What he said next was a surprise to me.

"I forgive you."

I stood shocked and almost dropped where i stood.

"How can you? I left you when you needed someone the most, i said i hate you and walked out because you wanted to protect me-" he covered my mouth before i could continue.

"Isabella... listen okay?"

He used my full name and I knew that I was defeated, my shoulders slumped and I listened to his words. 

"Do not feel bad about what happened, all that we know is that it happened, I moved past it and I want you to forgive yourself for the things that went down. Okay?" He offered his apologetic smiles and patted my shoulder. 

I sighed slumping into the small couch and accepting defeat, I could never forgive myself for what I did, and that is that. 

"Ella?" The tone in his voice suggested he had an idea and that made me nervous. 

"Why don't you come with me on this tour? I will pay for everything and it would be fun for both of us, get you out of being cooped up here in Queen Creek with no life and-" before he could finish I cut him off. 

"I happen to be happy 'cooped' up in Arizona, hot, pretty and perfect for me, thank you but no thank you, I will not be going with you Cody." I said suddenly infuriated that he thought I didn't have much of a life here. 

"Ella I didn't mean-" 

"Yes, you meant it. Cody we went our own ways for a reason." I huffed and walked off the bus, heading through the crowd of girls and straight to my car. 

Was I lying to myself when I said i didn't want to go? Or did I not want to go because I was hurt he so easily walked out on me once before and I was afraid of it again?

No, he is a smug pop star who thinks he can have me back because of money. Yeah... that sounds right.

Or am I lying to myself again?

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