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November 1st 2021

Caleb: Did you all enjoy that, at the end of the day your all my bottoms remember that 

Levi: Maybe I enjoy bottoming (kisses him)

Caleb: (kisses him back) you did well

Dakota: Then there is me......yeah I hate that so much how do you even walk afterwards 

Jet: You Get Hella Used to it Trust me 

Louis: Well I don't wanna


(all look at him)

Caleb: I'M KIDDING YOU DIPSHITS (laughs his ass off)

Jack: I was about to say

Jaeden: Jacob and Joey Levels of Crazy 

Jack: Mhm

Caleb: Never this is a good place, a place for us all just love freely no strings attached

Ayden: What the Original Houses should have been   

Caleb: Exactly If I ever do go too close to A Jacob type guy I want you to tell me 

Levi: That's not gonna happen 

Caleb: But It could 

Dakota: If it does we got you 

Caleb: Good

November 12th 

Oakes: I love you dude I'll see you soon (hangs up)

Ayden: Hey was that Winslow 

Oakes: He got into a fight at school but hey he won

Ayden: Awesome! He sounds like a badass

Oakes: I taught him well

Ayden: You don't want to be here do you 

Oakes: What of course I do 

Ayden: Yea that's your dick talking,  think with your heart 

Oakes: I am....and you know what my heart is telling me 

Ayden: What 

Oakes: This (pulls him into a passionate kiss)

Ayden: (kisses him back)

November 30th 2021

Noah: (staring at his phone)

Caleb: Maxwell huh

Noah: I think about him so much but there is no point anymore he's happy look 

(shows him an Insta post of Maxwell kissing Cruz)

Caleb: The Grizzly Killer himself 

Noah: Yep that should be me 

Caleb: I don't want to be an asshole but you left him remember and getting mad that he's moving on when your too much a coward to even heart an insta post, is such a first world problem 


Caleb: (double taps the screen)

Noah: he's gonna SEE!

Caleb: Yup, your welcome that's step one 

Noah: (turns and huffs)

Caleb: (places his hand on his shoulder) Noah....your 17 years old and your hot as hell text him comment at least it will help 

Noah: Sure can we just have sex

Caleb: If you want 

Noah: Ight!

I hope  you guys are enjoying this  let me know thoughts in the comment section down below, thanks


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