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April 1st 2022

Caleb: (enters the Alpha Throne room he's deep in thought)

Levi: There you are what are you doing in this dusty room 

Caleb: I'm just thinking about everything this place all of it 

Levi: Yeah It's a sweet house 

Caleb: It's nice but It feels cursed you know the reason I don't come in here is cause of Jacob and Joey I hear there insane cries and think of all the hell we caused even if we weren't a big part of that final battle we still contributed 

Levi: I didn't realize this was holding such a toll on you 

Caleb:  Cause I put on a brave face but at the end of the day it really sucks I have nightmares about it Jacob rising from his shallow grave and eating me

Levi: I think you have been watching to many horror movies 

Caleb: Maybe 

Levi: But no mater what you choose I'll be by your side 

Caleb: (kisses him passionately)


Jet: It just doesn't feel like home anymore 

Dakota: Dude....your like my partner in crime I never thought you would leave 

Jet: I can't stay Dakota.....I got find my own path

Dakota: Jet (embraces him tightly)

Jet: (smirks) APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!

Dakota: YOU SON OF A BITCH (punches him)

Jet: I got your ass 

Dakota: The payback is gonna sting 

Jet: Bet (they kiss)

Louis: That was a bloody brilliant prank 

Jet: Wasn't it 

Dakota: Grrrr

April 15th 

Ayden: Yessssssss mmmm Yesssss

Oakes: I'm close babe 

Ayden: Fill me up buttercup 

Oakes: As you wish 

Ayden: Yesssss

Oakes: Yessssss (they cum)

Ayden: That was fun  

Rian: Yes it was 


Rian: Ohhhhhh Shut your pie hole baby 

Marik: Naw I think I will keep my pie hole sealed 

Ayden: This is the fucking life! 

Oakes: Yes, Yes it is 

Noah: (looks in on this) What am I doing here this isn't me this isn't my life.....except it is

Caleb: This is the path you have chosen but there is nothing forcing you too stay on it 

Noah: Maybe not but what other choice do I have 

Caleb: You know 

Noah: Yeah.....Not happening thanks for the same pep talk (storms off)

Caleb: Oh Noah......(looks at his phone)


Caleb: (tempted) No not today.......GENTLEMAN IT'S ORGY TIME WHOS WITH ME!!!!!!

Well heck man Moral is low and people are missing out on life can this group survive or will it fracture stay tuned to find out in the final chapter coming very soon


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