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March 10th 2022

Marik: I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!

Ayden: Your first full group orgy huh you had a blast I can tell

Marik: Like you wouldn't believe 

Caleb: I'm Glad you are having fun that is the most important thing to me  if anyone isn't having fun then they shouldn't be here 

Rian: Yeah okay 

Oakes: Yeah

Levi: That Speech was so sexy and inspiring isn't he great y'all

Louis: (coughs) Simp

Levi: Shut up

Caleb: (Just Laughs)

March 12th 2022

Ayden: Babe you have been avoiding me 

Oakes: Oh You noticed I didn't think you would cause I'm not some blonde boy

Ayden: This is about Marik Right

Oakes: NO It's ABOUT JET!

Jet: What did I do

Oakes: I was being sarcastic go suck Dakota or something!

Jet: I WILL, not cause you asked

Dakota: Cause I asked


Ayden: Babe Chill out 

Oakes: No I won't chill out you would rather be with Marik ADMIT IT!

Marik: What is going on out here 


Rian: What did you call my boyfriend


Marik: Okay do I like Ayden yes of course I do we are best friends and just so you know we tried dating IT DIDN'T WORK 

Ayden: And I love you Oakes only you okay so stop assuming I'm gonna leave you cause I LOVE YOU

Oakes: You....Love me

Ayden: Of course I do you dumb boy 

Oakes: Ayden.....I'm sorry

Ayden: It's Marik you owe an apology too

Oakes: Marik I'm sorry are we chill?

Marik: Yes we are (they hug it out)

Noah: (watching in on that)

Caleb: You Miss him don't you 

Noah: What are you talking about 

Caleb: It's Been a year and half more than are you really gonna waste anymore time 

Noah: I'm not discussing this period I enjoy living in sex houses okay It's what I am good at that and acting that's it 

Caleb: You are selling yourself short 

Noah: Not really now come on let's go have sex 

Caleb: Okay then 

(they go)

Poor Sweet Noah


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