Mei Tachibana

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"And so, he kiss me for real, I don't care much, since it was as good as deep-fried chicken."

~Mei Tachibana (Sukitte linayo)~

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Happy Valentine's Day~! ouo Well, it's was actually two days ago, but...meh~ -w- Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day with hot anime characters~ (≧∇≦)/*

Again, sorry for not posting much -~-" I've just been busy (and lazy, but mostly busy owo") with school and stuff. Having a really important exam by the end of the year, so yeah ;w; Gotta be serious this year. T-T Sad life.

But I'll still be updating, just not as frequent as before ^^" Gomene >~<

Still, Vote, Comment, Request~!! OuO (Especially the request part, 'cause really, I'm running out of quotes. Request, please, I don't bite ;w;)

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