Kise Ryota

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"In basketball I never forget to return a favor."

~Kise Ryota (Kuroko no Basuke)~

• • •
Minnacchi... ;w; I'll be away for the next two weeks... And that means:
-no internet
-no anime
-no manga
-no Wattpad
-no LIFE ; _ ;
So...I won't be able to update for a while, unless I find free wifi somewhere~ qwq Hontouni gomenasai!!! (>人<;)/
I'll make it up when I come back~ ;~; I pwomise desu~!
Anyways...I'll miss you guyzzzzz, and Wattpad, and Internet.... ;3;
Well then, see ya when I get back! >3<

P.s. Vote, comment, request~ ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

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