How could something bad feel this good?

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I never texted you.

I guess I was scared of what would happen if I texted you.

I was scared to make a fool of myself.

Of you to make a fool of me.

I avoided parties for a while, scared of what would happen between us.

The next one I went to our eyes met the second I walked in.

Like you had been waiting for me.

"Why didn't you text?" You asked me.

I shrugged, that was the extent of my answer and you accepted it.

You forced me to give you my number, something about making sure we stayed in touch.

At the end of the night we went our separate ways, you with your constellation freckles and me with my elevated heart rate.


That's all it took

one word

for my heart rate to pick up.


I answered back, a smile on my lips.

I was so happy you texted me

although there was still something swarming in the pit of my stomach.

Something that told me you were a bad idea.

But how could something bad feel this good?

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