Chapter Six

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Two Weeks Later

Isabella is now our assistant coach, and she has helped the team out a lot.

"Mason I don't want to do this before a game, but a coach from UCLA is here for you so give it everything you got" he says

"Okay" I nod

We are currently about to start a game against our revival team. We form a circle, and coach gives us a pep talk before we head to the field. The game was tough, we have 5 minutes left, and its tied 4-4.

"Come on" Coach yells

I get ahold of the ball, and run it to the goal, and kick it, but the goalie catches it.

"Damn it" I hear coach says

I sigh, and run back. Coach calls a time out, and we all go over. Isabella walks over to me, and grabs my shoulder.

"Stop thinking about the coach, think about beating the team, this isn't the only coach that will be coming to a game, you are good Mason now show it" she says looking me dead in the eye

I nod.

"Also don't look at where you're going to kick the ball the goalie will jump that way, look the opposite direction to where you're going to kick it will confuse him" she says

"Got it thanks" I say

She nods, and we go back on the field. I got the ball again and I take Isabella's advice and I got a goal.

"Yes" I hear coach yell

I smile at Isabella and she gives me a thumbs up. We end with the score 5-4, but there are penalty kicks still. I had to go twice, the first try their goalie caught the ball. As I go up for my second I hear Isabella yell.

"Come on Mason you got this"

For some reason that gave me confidence, and I kicked the ball into the goal winning the game. My team surrounded me cheering.

"Good job Mason" I hear

I look to see coach and Isabella talking to the UCLA coach. I start getting nervous when coach calls me over.

"Mason this is Coach Rigers from UCLA" Coach says

"Hello sir" I say shaking his hand

"You did great out there, listen we aren't recruiting just yet, but I will have you on my mind, and if you want a campus tour give me a call" he says handing me a card

"Thank you so much sir" I say

"Have a great night" he says walking away

"Told you you were good" Isabella says

"Thanks, your advice helped a lot" I say

"That's what I'm here for" she smiles

Since she has became the assistant coach she has been nicer.

"Mason theres a party at my house tonight you should come" Lorenzo says

"I don't know if my parents will let me" I say

"Just say you're sleeping over or something" Isabella says

"They're kinda strict" I say

"Well it won't hurt to ask" she says "come on Enzo we gotta get home"

Enzo nods, and catches the keys she throws at him.

"See you later man" he says before walking away with Isabella

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