Chapter Thirteen

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Two Weeks Later

Its the first week of March which its is also the beginning of spring break, and can I say its nice to have a break from school. It's currently Tuesday, and Izzy and I suppose to hang out at her house.


When do you want me to come over?




I'll be over soon



I grab my keys, and phone.

"I'll be back later, I'm going to Izzy's" I say

"Have fun" my mom says

I nod, and head to my car. I go to her house, and go inside because she told me not to worry about knocking.

"Hey" I say walking into the living room

"Hey" she says

I sit down on the couch.

"Hey Cookie" I say petting the new puppy

"She's so cute" Izzy says

"Have you been sleeping? You look super tired" I say

"I just didn't sleep good last night" she says

"You can go take a nap" I say

"I might take you up on that offer" she says

"Go up to your room, and sleep" I say

"This couch is comfy" she says

I get up and go to her room grabbing her blanket, and put it on her.

"Thanks" she smiles

"You're welcome, I'm taking Cookie for a walk" I say

"Her leash is hanging on the key rack by the door" she says

I nod.

"Cookie, come" I say walking to the door

I grab her leash and harness and put them on. I open the door and start my walk. I walk to my house, and my mom is sitting on the porch.

"Who is this" she asks walking up

"Izzy's dog Cookie, I'm taking her on a walk while Izzy sleeps" I say

"Is she okay" my mom asks

"She said she didn't sleep well last night" I say

She nods.

"Alright, I'm going to continue my walk, I'll be home later" I say

"Okay, have fun, be safe" she says

"I will" I say

I continue my walk, and then head back to Izzy's. I go in, and find Izzy asleep on the couch. I go in the kitchen, and look in the fridge and freezer. I find a frozen pizza so I turned the oven on, and make the pizza.

"Hey I made lunch" I say waking Izzy up

"Thanks" she says

I hand her a plate, and she sits up to eat. We eat, and then watch a few movies before I went home.

"Hey how was your day" my mom asks when I walk in

"Good, we ate pizza for lunch, and just hung out" I say

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