Chapter Eleven

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About a half a hour Izzy pulls into a park parking lot.

"We aren't suppose to be here" I say

"We're fine" she says before parking

She gets out, and I follow her. She grabs a blanket from her backseat before starting to walk.

"What are we doing here" I ask as we walk to a pond

She lays the blanket down, and sits down.

"I just needed to get out of the house" I say

"Are you okay" I ask

"My mom and dad are home" she says

"Oh" I say

"My dad is fine, he doesn't annoy me, but my mom is so god damn annoying. She keeps annoying me about trying to get back into football, and I don't want to" she says

"Can I ask why" I ask

"Why she is pushing for it or why I don't want to" she asks

"Both I guess" I say

"She wants me to play football because its a distraction and also because its something to do" she says

"Why don't you" I ask

"Because you were right, I was only doing it for Lucas, and I guess to still try and connect with him, but I didn't like it anymore, and I enjoy coaching more" she says

"Wow I was right for once" I say

She laughs.

"Have you explained to her that you don't want to play anymore" I ask

"She doesn't like listening" she says

I let a chuckle out.

"What" she asks

"We switched roles, I love playing soccer even though I didn't want to, and you don't want to" I say

"I guess you're right" she says laughing

"I've lived here my whole life how did you know about this place" I ask

"We came here a week before I started school so I went around to familiarize myself, also my dad came here a lot when he was little, his uncle moved here" she says

I nod. 

"I like it here better than Florence" she says

"Why" I ask

She shrugs.

"Its just different" she says

"I want to go to Florence" I say

"It's not as amazing as everyone says" she says

"For you maybe, but I didn't grow up there" I say

"True" she says

"I wanna take you somewhere, come on" I say getting up

"Where" she asks

I hold my hand out, and she takes it. I pick up the blanket, and we walk deeper into the park. We get to a tree house.

"A tree house" she asks

I start climbing up.

"Okay there's one thing you should know, I have a fear of heights" she says from the ground

I climb back down.

"Go first" I say

"I'm good" she says

"Isabella Russo, fearless hard ass, afraid of heights" I say

She huffs before going to the ladder.

"I'm right behind you, you'll be fine" I say

She climbs the ladder, and sits in the ground.

"See you got up here fine" I say when I sit down

She glares at me.

"I hate you" she says

"Look out the doorway" I say

She looks out, and gasps. You could see the sky line of the city.

"How did you know about this" she asks

"My dad donated a lot of money to the park, and the only thing he asked for is a tree house. He planned this whole thing out so we could sit up here and and look at the view" I say

"I like it" she says

"Let's make this our spot" I say

"Our spot" she asks

"Yeah if we ever need to met or get away from home this is where we go" I say

"So a hide out" she says

"Sure" I say

She looks at her phone.

"We should probably get home you have a game tomorrow" she says

"You have a fear of the ground too" I ask

"Fuck off" she laughs as she climbs down the ladder

We get back to her Jeep, and she drives me home.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she says

"See you tomorrow" I say

I go in the house, and my mom is sitting on the couch.

"Hey" I say

"Hey honey, how was your drive" she asks

"Good, I showed her the tree house" I say

"You don't show anyone that" she says

I shrug.

"Mason I wanna apologize for judging Isabella before we met her, she is welcome over anytime she says

"Thanks mom" I say

"Get to bed you gotta rest up for that game" she says

"Goodnight" I say


I head to my bedroom, and took my shirt off before laying in bed. I think about Izzy, and how our friendship is great. I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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