Chapter Fifteen

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"over me" I ask

She stays quiet.

"Iz" I say

"I'm better now, you can go back home, and sleep" she says getting up

I grab her arm, and pull her towards me.

"you had feelings for me" I ask

She stays quiet.

"Isabella answer me" I say

"yes, and it pissed me off, I wanted to hate you, you were such a good guy, had great grades never got in trouble, and for some god damn reason that attracted me towards you. It's not like we can date anyways" she says

"why not" I ask

"because I'm not good for you" she says

"how are you not good for me" I ask

"because I'm Isabella Russo, the girl that doesn't listen, that has tattoos, drinks, fights with her parents, you're Mason Cody the kid that parents that want their kids to be" she says

"Izzy stop. You aren't bad for me, even if you were I'm 17 going to 18 I can make my own decisions" I say

She looks away. I put my hand on her cheek, and move her head to look at me.

"you are not bad for me Iz, you have made me better, you have made me myself instead of someone that someone else wants me to be. You are good for me Iz" I say

She has a tear in her eye, and I wipe it away.

"you got Paisley off me, you kinda saved me then, and you're still saving me. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be going to Stanford for Soccer" I say

"that was all you" she says

"no Iz that was you, you were the one that got me to play soccer, and now you coach me, you have helped me get a full ride to Stanford. It was all because of you" I say

She nods, and wipes a tear.

"be honest with me" I say

She looks at me.

"do you still have feelings for me" I ask

She nods, but stays quiet.

"can I be honest with you" I ask

She nods again.

"I didn't think I had feelings for you, you were so different then what I'm use to, and I didn't think we would end up together anyways" I say

"okay" she says more tears falling down

"but I was stupid for thinking feelings wouldn't grow, you're amazing Iz, and I'm not going to hold back anymore" I say

"you just said you don't have feelings" she says

"no I said I didn't think I had key word had feelings, but I do Iz, you're amazing, and I would be so lucky to have you as my girlfriend" I say

She nods.

"so we both have feelings for each other" she says

I nod. She takes a deep breath.

"I don't want to date right now" she says

"and that's fine, I can wait" I say

"I wanna take it slow, go on dates, enjoy our time, get to know each other more, we don't know a lot about each other, and I feel like we should know each other more before we start dating" she says

I nod.

"so about a date" I say

"what about it" she asks

"does making dinner for you tomorrow count" I ask

"yeah" she says

"well then we're having dinner tomorrow" I say

"sounds good" she says

I look at her beautiful brown eyes.

"I can't get over your eyes" I say

"what do you mean there just brown" she says

"no there not just brown, they are like a medium brown, the perfect color for the perfect girl" I say

She laughs.

"that's so cheesy" she says

I shrug.

"it made you laugh" I say

"it did" she nods

"do you still want me to sleep in here with you if we are taking it slow" I ask

"if you don't mind, it makes me more comfortable" she says

"I don't mind at all, more time with you" I say 

She smiles at me which causes me to smile. Cookie barks and jumps on me.

"thanks for ruining the mood Cookie" I say

"she probably has to go out again, it's been out 2 hours" Iz says getting up

"it's already been two hours" I ask

"yup, we should probably go to bed when I get back" she says

I nod. She goes down to take Cookie out, and I turn her TV off, and lay down. I go through Instagram.

"this little brat just wanted to go outside to run around, she didn't even go pee" Izzy say walking in

I laugh.

"she decided she was tired of us talking" I say

"I guess so" she says while putting Cookie in her crate

She lays down, and put her head on my chest. I put my phone down, and turn off the bedside lamp.

"we have to turn off the light" I say

Izzy claps, and the light turns off.

"you're telling me I've could of clapped to turn the light off instead of getting up" I say

"I forget" she says

"of course you forgot" I say

She laughs. I wrap my arm around her waist, and she moves her head slightly.

"goodnight Mason" she says

"goodnight Iz" I say

I fall asleep happy.

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