2. Meet Me At Midnight

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-The next day-

"Ahhh!" you yawn and stretch yourself in your bed. And get up with a smile on your face.

Marla Notices your smile.

"You seem to be in a good mood today." she smiles while applying light make up. "That's because I am! For the first time in I don't even know, I could actually sleep in peace." you say spinning around in the center of your dorm room. Marla chuckles at your good mood. "Well that's great. Pansy is waiting for me sooo, I'll see you at breakfast?". You nod. "Sure!". "See you at breakfast." Marla waves as she walks out.

You are still dancing around the room and let yourself fall onto your bed. You sigh in relief.

God I slept great. For the first time in for ever I didn't dream about fucking My fucking Professor.

You thought. You laid on your bed for a while enjoying life.

I Wonder if I didn't dream about him because of Fred.. I Mean Fred has been stuck in my head since yesterday. I wonder what he is doing right know... I Bet he has abs. If he has a long shlong..?

"HAHAHA" You laugh at your thoughts. Then reality flashed back. You widen your eyes and shot up from your bed.

"Shiiiiit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! SHIT!" You got dressed and stormed out, to the great hall.

You slowly open the giant door and sneak to the Slytherin Table. You look for Marla and she sits with Pansy, Draco, Blaise and Goyle. 'Come here' Marla mouths, ducking so no one notices. You sneak to Marla and between Draco and Marla. In front of you sit Blaise, Pansy and Goyle.

"Morning." you whisper and straighten your back. "Morning 'your surname'." Draco whistles. "What took you so long? Something hilarious happened and you missed it!" he laughs.

You raise an eyebrow "Really? What happ-" You ask. "Let's not talk about it. It wasn't even funny." Goyle interrupts you. "Nope! Tell her Draco." Blaise chuckles.

"Earlier when we got here, Goyle tripped and fell right in front Professor Riddles feet!" Draco tells you. You slap your hand onto your mouth to prevent yourself from breaking out in laughter.

Fuck no! I can't laugh right now. Shitttttt. You think and grab your glass of water and drink it.

"Yeah, and Professor Riddle gave Goyle a death stare and Goyle pissed himself!" Pansy added almost in tears.
You can't hold back and spit the water out, right in Goyles face and burst out laughing.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAH! NO THE FUCK HE DIDN'T! NO THE FUCK HE DIDN'T! HE FUCKING PISSED HIMSELF?" You shout in laughter. Seconds later you notice the loud silence and everyones eyes on you. You look around feel your head fill up with blood.


"What may I ask you is so funny miss 'your surname'?" Professor Dumbledore asks. "Sorry, nothing Professor!" you say in embarrassment and sit back down. The students turned back to their foods and conversations while you sit on spot without moving even a bit.

"Oh my god!" Marla laughed at you. "Girl you are red as shit!" Pansy says. "That was fucking hilarious." You laugh the embarrassment off and you all laugh together.

As you, Pansy, Marla, Draco, Blaise and Goyle laugh the embarrassment off. "But I changed my clothes!" Goyle said with red ears wiping away your spit.

You suddenly feel someone tap your shoulder. The five continue talking and you turn around to see Fred. Your noses are inches from another apart. And you feel your face heating up as you stare each other into your eyes.

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