3. He isn't good for you

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"Am I interrupting something?"

A deep, dark and yet tired voice asks.

You both look and see a tall dark figure standing my the stairs. Their face gets exposed by the moonlight as they walk towards you.


His face stays blank. His eyes are shimmering under the moonlight. Professor Riddle completely ignores you existence and halts about a meter in front of Fred. His dark eyes stabbing into Fred's eyes making him gulp.

"You didn't interrupt anything. Sir." Fred says as he tries to avoid his piercing eyes.

For the next minute Riddle just keeps staring into Fred's eyes. You notice the tension.

"We're sorry sir." You say.

Riddle turns his gaze down to you. His eye almost killing you.

You gulp.

"We should go now." You say hastily as you wrap your arms around Fred's arm and walk towards the stairs. As you almost reach the first step an invisible energy suddenly stops your body from taking another step.

"What are you doing..?" Fred whispers with a slightly worried voice.

"I need to speak to sir Weasley. Miss your surname, go back to your dormitory." he speaks with his back face towards the two of you. You turn to Fred with a worried expression and hold his hand with both your hands tightly.

"Don't worry. Just go back. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiles at you.

"But I-"

"I love you now go back." Fred says and softly kisses your lips then lets go.

"Now." Professor Riddle demands with a frustrated and annoyed voice.

Fred smiles and you and you nod. As you turn around you take one last look at Professor Riddle. You see his head slightly turned to you and know that he looked directly at you.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! You thought as you fiddle with the necklace Fred gave you while walking back to your dormitory.

Why did that asshole have to show up? Everything was just.. great.

You sigh and continue on walking.

As you are about to grab the doorknob to your Dormitory, a dark cloud appears in the corner next to the door. You flinch and gasp.

"Tom?" You whisper confused and cross your arms in front of your chest.

"What are you doing here and how did you get here so fast? I thought you wanted to talk to Fred." You say.

"There wasn't much to talk about. " he says and you both are silent for a few seconds.

"Fred Weasley is not good for you." He says with a blank expression. His face is hidden behind the shadows of the window curtain. The moonlight still manages to expose the tip of his shoes.

"What do you know?" You ask annoyed.

Professor Riddle clenches his jaw and lifts his head slightly.

"He is not good for you, that is all you need to know." He says angrily as he walks out of the shadow into the moonlight. The moonlight now exposes his face and a bruise under his right eye.


Your eyes widen in shock. You walk towards him.

"What happened to you?" You ask worried and place your hand on his right cheek.

As soon as your hand came in contact with his pale, soft skin a shiver went up your spine. He was actually very warm.

Riddle's expressions is as always blank. He just looks down at you in silence. You sigh and stroke your thumb over his bruise with a concerned face.

Riddle flinches slightly. You know he is in pain but he tries not to show it.

You look at the bruise and bite your lip at the sight of his bruise then look back at Riddle.

"Fred didn't do this though right?" You ask, still stroking his bruise carefully.

"He did."

Your eyes widen and your jaw drops.

"And that's exactly why you shouldn't date him." He says still looking into your eyes.

You stop stroking his face.

"Well maybe you said something he didn't like. I mean you kinda ruined our moment." You say.

Riddle clenches his jaw and fists.

"Goodnight Y/N." he says and disappears in that same black cloud he had just appeared in.

Your hand was suddenly in the blank air. The moonlight shines on your skin. You sigh and walk into your dorm room. You close the door and turn to Marla's bed. She slept so peacefully.

You change your clothes and fall into your bed. You snuggle into your big cozy blanked at stare at the ceiling.

I wonder what Fred is doing.. Did he actually punch Tom? Is Tom badly hurt? Is he actually violent??

You turn and groan into your pillow.

"God.. " You say and slowly fall asleep.

I know this one is short but the next chapter will be a lot longer! I just didn't want to let someone wait who actually enjoyed my story. I am very thank full for them. They brightened my day. Anyways feel free to vote if you liked this and have a great night or day beautiful! Love you all!!!

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