5. Fred

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First of all I am so sorry for not updating for so long😭😭
I just never really had time to continue..
Anyways I hope you enjoy bc I'm making myself write this at
1:11 am Jskdkk
Also I'm starting to write from your perspective.


The hot water feels calming has it falls onto my skin and my muscles instantly relax. I just stand under the steaming water for a while.

"God I hate myself." I groan and rub my face with my hands.
"Why does this bullshit happen to me? Why me?".
Out of all bitch ass people! I mean there are tons of other people who would love a love triangle.. If this is what you would call one, but I fucking hate it!

The stress and frustration takes over me and my eyes start watering as I still stand under the running water.


It's gotten dark already and I'm lying in bed fiddling with my blanket. Surrounded by darkness.

God where is she..

It's already past midnight and Marla still hasn't shown up. I'm really starting to worry.. Was I overreacting? Is she staying somewhere else? Does she hate me now? I would..

The door suddenly flies open ripping me out of my thoughts.

I quickly sit up looking startled at the door.

The light from the candle the figure was holding made me clinge my eyes slightly shut. It was hard to who was at the door, but I could see a tall dark figure.

"Marla?.. Is that you?"

No response.

My eyes slowly get used to the light and I start to recognize the figure.


I say startled and jump off my bed.


He whispers quite loudly holding his index finger up to his lips.

I looked at him confused as he motions with his hand to follow him.

"Fred what is-"

"Just follow me!" he whisper yells.

Something was up. And it was not the clothes I was supposed to wash last Thursday.

I slowly follow Fred through the halls with cold feet and no light except for the candles and the moonlight.

"Fred if this is about what happened I'm seriously so sorry I don't even know why I'd do such thing. I really-"

Fred stops his tracks and turns around facing me.

"I'm not Fred dumbass. I'm George."

Excuse me what now?

"What!?" I whisper yell in absolute confusion shrugging my shoulders.

Fre- I mean George sighs and looks at me with a serious expression. Under the light of his candle I could see that his eyes were slightly red.

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