About 2 Years Ago...

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Emmett's POV

She had cheated.

After all that crap she had given him about Simone, after he had to work for a year to win her back, after they finally had planned a life together. She had gone and cheated on him. And with Tank, of all people. I mean, he might be a nice guy, but he was her EX. Ex means you don't frikkin sleep with him! He also didn't buy any of this 'rape' nonsense. He hadn't played the rape card when he had slept with Simone. He had owned up to his mistake, and yet, he still won her back. He wanted to scream, but he didn't.

He had broken up with her. He would make sure to never see her again and be reminded of her cheating. Then why wasn't he happy? Why wasn't he smiling?

Because he still loved her, and wanted to forget that all this had happened. But he wouldn't, he couldn't let her get away with it if she hadn't let him.

So he decided to never again think of Bay Kennish, no matter how much he wanted to.

Bay's POV

The pink blurred her vision.

"Crap," she mumbled under her breath. "Crap, crap, crap."

Two pink lines. Two stupid pink lines had just destroyed her whole life.

"Thanks a lot, Emmett." Or was it Tank? She wasn't sure. They both were likely candidates. She secretly hoped it was Emmett's, but she pushed that thought out of her head. That idiot broke up with me, even after I explained what happened. I told him everything, and he still dumped me, and now look at where I was. Tank was at least in town, and didn't hate my guts.

"Bay? You in here?" Daphne walked into the bathroom, and immediately noticed the pregnancy test lying on the counter. "Oh my gosh. What the heck?"

"I'm pregnant!" She said, faking sarcasm.

"Yeah I noticed. Is it Tank or Emmett's?"

"I honestly don't know. But, considering Emmett probably wants me dead, I hope it's Tank's."

"Well, J and K will be super ecstatic."

"Dang. I forgot I'd have to tell them."

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