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Hey! So, I just started doing a play at my school, and it's super fun! As a joke I told my parents I wanted a casting director from Switched at Birth to come. Results: said parent gets annoyed with said child for obsession with a TV show. On a sad note, between play rehearsals, school, homework, band, and dance, (and all the reading I have to do), my updating time might be shortened. So, my question is would you guys like more shorter chapters, or less, longer chapters? Let me know! Enjoy!!

Bay's POV

I buckled Em into my car and plopped myself down into the front seat. I was dropping her off at Emmett's for a couple hours. I had been to and approved his new apartment. To be honest, it was nice. Much better than mine. I wasn't sure exactly how he had paid for it, but I knew he had gotten his old job at Chrome back.
I pulled into the parking lot outside, and unattached Em's car seat so I could take her upstairs. I got into the elevator, and pushed in 5, but not before another, older woman got in.
"What floor?" I asked her. "We're heading to 5." I signed, even though I didn't think the woman was deaf and my daughter was asleep. It was just second nature for me by then.
"You're signing. You must be visiting Emmett." The woman stared at me matter-of-factly.
"Um, yes. How did you...?" I was genuinely shocked. I had never met this woman before, and Emmett had just moved in a week before. How did she know?
"Ran into the fellow in hall. Nice man, but lucky I know sign language. My grandson is deaf, so..."
"Oh, yes of course." I smiled. The lady seemed sweet. "I'm sorry, but, what's your name? And where does your grandson go? I might know him."
"Mrs. Smith, but you can call me Amelia. My grandson lives in Indiana, and he's only ten, so you most likely don't know him. What's your name?"
"Bay Kennish. And this is Emmeline, my daughter." I looked down, happily at the sleeping girl. She was adorable.
"Oh, Emmett's little girl! He has some pictures in his apartment. He seems very proud of her."
Emmett had told people about his daughter? That meant...
"Oh god." I accidently said that out loud. "Melody."
"Excuse me?" Amelia looked at me. "Did I say something?"
"Oh no, no, no. Just thought of something." I was relieved when (finally!) the elevator dinged and opened up, revealing the hallway to Emmett's. I said good-bye to Amelia, and headed towards his place. We had some talking to do.

Emmett's POV
The lights flashed, indicating Bay was here. I quickly got off my couch, gave one more once-over of my little apartment, and then raced over to the door to let Bay and Emmeline in.
She looked so beautiful, just standing there in my doorway. She was wearing one of her faux leather jackets, a flowy black top underneath, skinny jeans, and tall black boots. She was stunning.
We awkwardly greeted each other and I took Em from her, and invited her in. We both settled back on my couch, Em in my lap.
"I'm so happy you came over." I looked over at Bay, truly grateful to her for the simple gift of bringing our baby girl over to visit.
"No problem. You're Emmeline's dad." It seemed to pain her to say that. "You deserve to get to know your daughter."
I grinned. I did have that right. I had helped bring this little girl into the world, I should help raise her.
"Hey, Emmeline, wanna play?" I signed and handed her a toy.

**2 hours later**

Bay's POV

We had been at Emmett's for ages. I was bored out of my mind, but I pretended to be excited for my daughter's sake. Finally, we started to pick up the toys that covered the floor. Emmett looked severely worn out. What can I say? Babies are exhausting, especcially super active ones.
I headed into the kitchen to whip up some of Em's formula. I was working on blending the powder and water mix when Emmett walked in.
"Where's Em?" I asked. Being a mom, my first priority was my daughter.
"Asleep in her bouncy chair," he responded. "I wanted to make sure you found everything in here okay."
"I'm good." I gave him a forced smile and went back to my work, ignoring his pressing glare.
"Yes?" I was becoming annoyed at him looking at me with his unending gaze.
He suddenly became very shy and uncertain. He raised his hands like he wanted to say something, and then put them back down.
"Yes?" I asked again. "Something you want to say?"
I had never seen Emmett like this. He was always cool and confident, never unsure or scared like this. Whatever he wanted to say, it was hard on him.
"I...I...I." he stuttered, (I mean, as much as you can stutter in ASL), "I..I...I missed you, Bay."
This statement surprised me. He had missed me? He had let me go. Told me to leave. Why would he be missing me?
"I know what you're thinking. You broke up with me. You shouldn't be missing me. But, Bay, I was stupid. I wasn't thinking straight. I wanted you, and I wanted California, and I didn't know how to combine them seemlessly. After you left, I realized it wasn't possible for me to combine them seemlessly, I would have to compromise. But, now I know for sure, you, and now Emmeline, are worth any sacrifice I have to make for us."
Us? Emmett wanted an us? A family?
"Emmett, I thought you hated me," my eyes filled with tears as all the built up emotions from deep within came out. "I thought you didn't want me. We had been through so much, and you threw it all away for that girl and a stupid video." I knew her name was Skye, but I was too mad to call her anything other than "that girl."
"But Bay, I love you. You know how much I love you."
His sincerity broke down any walls thst kept us apart. I couldn't stay away from him anymore.
"I love you too, Emmett." and with that we both moved forward into a kiss. I hadn't tasted his lips in a while, but the familiarity was comforting. The kiss quickly became more passionate, but by then I heard a loud cry from the living room and realized Em was awake. I broke off the kiss, and told Emmett Em was up and we both rushed out of the kitchen to check on her, leaving the half-mixed formula on the counter.
As Emmett rocked the baby girl in his arms, I started to  clean up some stray toys under the couch when I looked up at my baby and caught Emmett's eye.
We both smiled, thinking about the kiss in the kitchen, and that's when I realized:
I had forgiven him.

In case you didn't notice, Amelia's grandson is the boy Skye baby-sat in high school. I'm also not sure what I want to do with these charactors, or that information, but I hopefully will do something with it. Sorry updates are infrequent! I'm working on it. Also, sorry the end sucks. I feel like Bay and Emmett needed a moment and I wanted to post this soon so I rushed, and it was obvious. And I will address the family (Kennishes, Vasquezs and Bledsoes) reactions to the pregnancy in an upcoming chapter.
Thanks for reading, and I love all you guys! (:

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