The Lunch

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Ok, I've decided to change when Emmett comes because I want Emmeline to be older, so at this point she's like (I don't know) 3-5 months? She can sit up on her own and smile and crawl. If this is off or something, I'm sorry. I don't really know about baby development. Also italics mean signing and just assume Bay and Daphne sign while they speak. Lastly, sorry it's taken a while to update. I've been extremely busy, lately, but I'm going to add as frequently as possible.

Bay's POV

He was coming. He was coming here. To see her. To see her (and possibly his) daughter.

What if the baby wasn't his? He might think she was making all this up so she can push responsibility on someone else. But, really, she didn't want anything to do with him. She was done with him blaming her for cheating.

They were meeting at a diner for lunch. She, Daphne, and Emmeline had already been seated, and were sitting around, waiting for him. He was late. Daphne promised he would be there. His plane had apparently landed later than he had thought it would, and according to a text she had recently gotten, he was on his way.

She was done with all this sitting.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

Daphne looked up at her. She knew Bay didn't really need to go to the bathroom, but she understood.

"OK. I'll watch Em."

She headed into the restroom and sat down in a stall. She didn't want to see him. She wanted to move on. She really did. Daphne was the one who had wanted all this. Daphne and her 'he has the right to know if it's his' crap.

After about five minutes, she figured she would probably have to go back to the table before Daphne got worried and sent out a search party for her. As she walked out of the restroom, she absent-mindedly bumped into someone.

"Oh, whoops. Sorry. I wasn't paying attention...umm?"

That's when she noticed the person she had bumped into was wearing a strangely-familiar leather jacket which had a strangely-familiar smell to it. She looked up and immediately recognized him.

"Oh hey, Emmett." She put an emphasis on his name that made it obvious she wasn't psyched to see him. Not that he could hear it. But he definately noticed her face had gone from normal to fierce in about five seconds.
"Hi Bay. It's good to see you."

What? It was 'good to see her'? What did that mean? He hadn't wanted to meet. Daphne had forced him.

"Yeah. Listen. This wasn't my idea, I just wanted to leave it alone, but Daphne-"
"Yeah. I figured you weren't enthusiastic about seeing me again especcially after the last time we saw each other."

The last time they had seen each other he had accused her of cheating and broken up with her. That wasn't really a great way to remember someone.

"Look, let's just go to the table and try to act decent. Emmeline is here, and I really don't want to fight."
"I wasn't planning on fighting with you. And Emmeline's here? I've been dying to meet here. She looked adorable in the pictures Daphne sent me."

"Daphne sent you pictures?"
"Yeah. That's what encouraged to come and get the DNA test. She looks a lot like me, so..."

"Right. That makes sense. Well, thanks for coming here. For Daphne, I mean."
"I would do anything for you guys."

Ok, what the hell was going on with him? He was acting like they had never broken up! It was him who had left her, not the other way around. "Right ok. The table's this way."

She led him around the corner where they were in full view of the table where Emmeline and Daphne sat. They were playing peek a boo.

Emmett's eyes lit up the moment he saw Em. Daphne looked up and noticing both of them, pointed them out to the little girl. She smiled when she saw Bay, and looked slightly confused when she saw Emmett, who was grinning from ear to ear at her.

"Hey baby," She said as she walked up and tickled her daughter. Em giggled. She looked over and saw Emmett, still standing there, smiling at both of them. "You know you can sit down, right?"
"Yeah, but I want to saver this moment."

"Ok then." She looked down at her menu, and when the waitress came over, proceeded to order her meal.

Emmett's POV

Seeing her again had reminded him of why he had fallen in love with her in the first place. And when he saw the way she interacted with Emmeline, he was impressed by what a great mother she was.

He went and sat down in the chair besides Emmeline's high chair and Daphne. Bay looked up at him to see what he was doing. He grinned at the little girl sitting next to him. She had dark red hair with the brightest of blue eyes. She giggled as he waved and shook her hand. Bay smiled at the sight of the two of them. He hoped Bay would let him into her life. Emmeline was beautiful, just like her mother, and he swore to himself he would never leave Bay or Emmeline alone ever again. His two girls would never leave his sight.

The next chapter should be coming soon. Sorry if this was repetitive, the next one will *hopefully* be better. Thanks for all the views on this fanfic and my other one. Keep rating and leave feedback!

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