Chapter 57: His Mamacita

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Author's IMPORTANT note: Please read the end part of this chapter. It is import for you to read it or else you won't know what will be happening further on. Thank you.

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Enjoy my loves xx

++Not Edited++

"What's a king bed without a queen?" - Justin Bieber
"The bed's getting cold and you're not here." - Selena Gomez

Chapter 57: His Mamacita

Selena's Pov

My eyes opened wide open. I couldn't smell any rainy smell on me nor did I feel wet. My clothes are completely dry but then, something clicked in my head when I saw that I wasn't in my clothes; I was in a dressing gown, those hospital gowns. Memories flew to my head when the last time I was in the hospital was when I was giving birth to Liam.

I felt someone tugging my hand and I look on my right, seeing Andrew's head leaning on the bed that I was laying on and his hand laced with my smaller ones. I looked around and saw the monitor beeping on my left, seeing that my heart is beating at a normal rate.

I am so confused; why am I in here anyways?

The room was empty from other people. It didn't really look like a hospital room, it looked like someone's room but I knew something wasn't right when there was a monitor right beside me beeping.

Realising that my hand was shaking a little, Andrew stirred in his sleep and opened one of his eyes as he looks at me through his lashes. He looks at me with shock and suddenly pounces up on his seat and yells out unfamiliar names that I have never heard off before. "Dr. Crystal and James!"

I rose my brow at him, "What?" But my voice sounded unfamiliar to me, it was raspy and strangled.

I was craving for water right now.

Then in comes a solid woman with short black hair as well with a guy with short, blonde cropped hair. Both of them are wearing hospital gowns with masks over their mouths as they both approach me. They smiled at me with shock written over their faces, and they squeal with excitement as they call out other people.


And in comes a couple of familiar faces. I see Logan wearing a polo green shirt with a pair of black jeans along with Justin with Liam on his hip and of course, Christopher, Patrick and Todd come in view into the room.

But I wasn't concerned about them being in here, what I was really concerned about yet, curious about is why is everyone so excited to see me so awake. Everyone who are in the room right now are jumping up and down as they look at me with shock and happiness.

What the hell is happening?

"Andrew?" I say barely in a whisper. Right now, my body feels so weak.

He whips his head in my direction and smiles at me, "You made it through Selena! I always knew that you're a brave girl!"

"Wait, w-what?!" I ask incredulously. What is happening right now? Because I have no idea to what I made it through.

"You're operation. The doctors feared that you wouldn't be able to make to through but you made it!" He gushes, embracing me into a tight hug.

I wince in pain and swat him away, "Stop, it hurts when you hug me like that." I scold him.

He smiles at me, "I love you Selena."

"Shut up and stop being sappy! You're going on like I am going to breathe my last breath!" I snap. This is nothing like Andrew, I mean sure we are pretty close siblings and we barely fight, but this sappy side of him kind of freaks me out a little. "Why is everyone surrounding me and why are their monitors reading my heart beat?!" I yelled, because I was stressing out; no one is giving me any answers. "Can someone please explain what is going on?" I plead.

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