Chapter 2

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Selena's Pov

As soon as my alarm clock went off I got out of bed lazily as I stretch my arms up. I went into my bathroom, and got into a quick shower before getting changed into my casual, comfortable clothes.

I changed into something comfortable and appropriate for school, then put my hair into a high ponytail as always; making sure that it wasn't so messy, but neat.

"Sel, you're gonna be late! Hurry!" I checked my phone and realised that my mom was right, I only had thirteen minutes to get to my new school.

Great, new school. Realising that I'm going to have to make new friends scared the living hell out of me. I didn't want to move far away from Liam or from my friends and family that lived in California and the thought of making new friends scared me a lot. It takes a lot of effort to have true friends.

What am I even thinking? The thought of having new friends did not sound good to me at all. I wanted my friends, the ones I left behind. I did not want to make new friends, I want to just get this schooling over and done with so I can do whatever the hell I want.

Feeling a little irritated, I ran down the stairs and grab some jam toast that mom had made before running out the door and into my car without saying goodbyes to my parents.

I was going to be late on my first day of school and I don't want to be late on my first day; that'll give me a bad reputation especially with my teachers.

"Slow down!" A voice rang through my ears, I turn to open the car door to look around to see my next door neighbour waving his hand at me to slow down.

I gave him a sorry look, "I need to go, bye!" I shut my car door closed and watched him get into his own car.

His car sped off leaving me to get my own car into drive, once I was done with the school's address into the GPS I sped off as well - I do not want to be late.

I found out that the school wasn't to far from my house, just only a few blocks which is good because I could just walk from now on. It could help out with my exercising.

As soon as I parked my car in a random parking spot and made my way to the building I got really, really nervous. Everyone were staring and eyeing me carefully while they were whispering about me. I hated the attention and I really never got attention when I was back in California;

It made me nervous to the point when I wanted to lock myself in the bathroom and stay there until school finishes. But I can't wag; not on my first day, not ever. Not here anyways.

I look down at my feet, I only look up to make sure I wasn't going to run into someone, I've dealt with bullying before but I don't want it to start so soon here. I can't handle it and the last thing I want is the bullying to repeat here, in Canada.

Once I made it inside the school office I found the office lady sitting in her seat, chewing her bubblegum as she blows bubbles, "How may I help you?" the small plump women at the front desk asked me. She looked around in her young twenties if I'm completely right. She has a bob hair-cut with brown hair and blonde high-lights.

I smiled politely, "I'm Selena, I'm here for my schedule."

She nodded and smiled back. "We got it right here!" She chirped while handing me my schedule, "I hope you have a great day, Selena. See you around?"

"Yeah, see you around."

I looked down at my schedule and searched for my locker and as I turned the corner I almost crashed into someone.

The hallway that was filled with chatter and laughter from everyone else was now dead silent, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you and I am so, so-" I stopped rambling as I realised it was Justin, "Oh... it's you." Justin looked down at me smirking as he held out his hand. I gladly held his hand and got up with his help.

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