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I waited a few seconds, collecting myself, and then answered the phone. 

"Yi Song?" I asked. 

"Yes" he replied. His voice sounded strangely comforting over the phone in the morning. 

"How are you?" 

"I'm good" he replied, "I wanted to text you, but I thought a call would be better." 

"Of course" I responded, glad he'd called. 

"Yeah, well, I wanted to ask about your job offer?" 

"Oh yes! What'd you want to know?" I asked, realizing I hadn't given him much information the night before. 

"Well, firstly, is the offer still valid?" 

"当然![Of course!]" I answered enthusiastically. 

"Well then, do I need to bring my resume or anything?" He asked, worried. 

"It would be nice, yes. That way we have it on file, but you got the job Mr. Zhang! When you come here all you have to do is sign the paperwork and the job contract is yours." 

"That brings me to my last question, where exactly is 'here'?" 

"Oh shucks! I forgot to give you my card last night. I'm so terribly sorry. I hope you'll excuse my irresponsible behavior...it's the GYXM agency downtown." 

There was no response. 

"Hello? Yi Song?" 

"Huh? Ah, yes. 不好意思 [Sorry]" he said frazzled. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I apologized. 

"No, no, not at all. I was just surprised that you're the owner of such a big agency." 

"Oh right. I'm sorry again for not being clearer last night." Suddenly curious I added, "By the way, if you don't mind my asking, how do you know about my agency? I remember last night you said you didn't know the first thing about fashion." 

He laughed airily, "Anyone who has lived here most of their life knows about your agency. You're one of the landmarks of the city." 

"Hmm, I guess you're right." I replied. "Well, when can expect you to come by?" I asked. 

"Anytime you're available" he replied. 

"I'm going to need you to be more specific." 

"Right" he huffed, "Well then, is ten alright?" 

I checked my calendar, "Yes, perfect." 

"Okay" he said, letting out a breath of relief. 

"Alright then. I'll see you at ten today then, at the GYXM building downtown, tenth floor." 

"Sounds good." He replied. "Thank you." 

"Okay, well, goodbye now." I said, hanging up the phone and immediately paging the front desk to let them know he would be coming. 

Before I knew it, it was ten in the morning and someone was tapping lightly on my office door. 

"Come in." I called out. 

Yi Song came in, bowing and then walking over to my desk. 

"Take a seat." I said, sitting myself down across from him. 

He was wearing a black tie and button down shirt, with black trousers and shoes to complement them. 

I wondered how he'd suddenly learnt how to dress and I swallowed nervously, once again intimidated by him overtly masculine aura. 

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