Chapter 4

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Papa starts to remove the rest of the wood that covers The mans body. As they are being removed I hear the footsteps of the guards coming to help us. I take a step back from the man, I examine him Seeing that he had no burns on him except for the right side of his face. It’s amazing that almost none of his body was burned. I stare at him for a couple more seconds, but then I had to unlock my gaze from him as the guards started to surround him. They had a cloth stretcher that they put him on and carried him out of the house.

Papa and I started to follow after them. “So now what?” I ask realizing that we can not do much. It will take a long time to rebuild this town, and how we are going to find the money to repair this town. Everything seems out of control.

“To be honest kid…. I have no idea. But I am sure that Enzo will come up with somthing.” Papa says trying to reassure me that everything is going to be okay. But I see the doubt in his eyes as well.

We continue to walk back to the church. As we do all the other teams are coming back but with no survivors. Most people did escape to the church before they were trapped in their houses. I see Edmen  heading towards me, I get a feeling that he will probably come over here to keep me from crying again. Which I think I need. The thing about Edmen is that I don't think I would ever have a love life with him because, we work together. That would be very unprofessional. Also is he is more like a good friend, or like a brother, I know I have not known him for that long but from what I can tell is that we wants the best for me.

“Hey you doing better Katrina?”  Edmen ask of course.

“I am doing fine, thanks. What about you?”

Um well to be honest I am kind of worried. I mean The whole town is burned to a crisp. We are open to attacks and..,” He states with fear creeping more and more into his voice.” We will going into debt most likely because of all the repairs… Just what are we going to do?”

“Hey don’t worry we are all asking the same questions.”

“Yeah, but who is going to answer them?” Edmen says with a look of strait fear. This concerns me as well. Comforting everybody will on go so far. We need to find a way to solve this, but how.

When we make to the church, in the east wing of the church there are all of the townspeople that were not injured in the fire. In the west wing nuns flood trying to help all the injured. Edmen signals Papa and one of the other soldiers to move the burnt man that we found over to the east wing I move along with them, and place him down on the ground since there were no beds in the church. Me and Edmen separate, and start help out with the survivors.


As the day comes to an end I start to head to the east wing. But Edmen stops me saying, “Hey I know this is a lot to ask but can you stay up and help the patients during the night?”

I look at him with frustration in my eyes. I have been working all day and it makes it so much easier to be pregnant. “Um I am really tired it’s been a long day sorry,” I saying pointing out my stomach.

“Oh yeah I will see if I can get one of those nuns to help me, Oh sister Kandi” Edmen says as he walks away from me, and starts running towards Sister Kandi.

“As I thought,” I say under my breath. As I start to walk towards I see one of the nuns handing out blankets to people. I find my brother he has a two blankets, so I put my hand out for him to give me a blanket.

“Here you go,” Ulric say while his eyes slowly start getting heavier and heavier

“Thank you” I say taking the blanket. I make my way to one of the pews and lay myself down. As I slowly drift off into my sleep. I think about what's going to happen, what is going to happen?

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