Chapter 5

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Its been about a month since the fire and the town has gotten a lot better. Enzo had some connections with some of the high nobles, and got some mages to repair the town. They repaired the town with in little time. Now all that is left are the survivors. All the healing mages were far up north. So we had to take care of the rest of the survivors, Edmen split the medical team so that everyone would have one survivor to take care of. I asked to take care of the man I rescued, I guess I just felt like he was my responsibility, and I got him of course. His name is Arkrom, that pretty much all I know about him. He has not been able to talk because of his face being halfway burnt off.

I Walk down stairs, thats getting harder, and harder and my pregnancy bump gets bigger and bigger. As I reach the end of the stairs, I look out the window to the left of the stairs. As I look I see Ulric fishing by himself trying to get us breakfast. After about a minute or so I see the string of his pole tense up, his muscles start to tense as well and he pulls back the pole. As he does that I see on the end of the string a fish flopping itself in mid air. The fish lands on the ground and starts to flop around. Ulrich bends down and grabs the fish with both hands as he leaves the pole on the ground. He rushes towards the house, as he does I reach for the door opening it for him.

“Hey can you get my fishing Pole?” Ulrich says as he runs into the house with the fish flopping in his hands.

“No thank or please?” I say taunting him.

“Thank you so much,” He says as he throws the fish down on the counter then bows to me in a sarcastic way. “Now can you please get my pole?”

“Yes of course kind sir” I say laughing. I walk through the door, I make my way around the house and pick up his pole. I head back in, but as I do I see as ship coming into the docks.

“Its the healing mages!” Some townsperson yells “There hear!”

Once I heard this I was relieved I wouldn't have to stay up every night till midnight, and then waking up every morning with bags under my eyes.

I quickly rushed inside, once I do I take a seat and say, “it took long enough.”

Yeah it did. I don't know how much longer I would have survived with you being so.. crabby.” Ulric says as he puts the fish in our ice chest.

“Oh was that so? I am sorry but do you know how hard it is to have a person grow inside of you?!

“No, no I do not, nor will I ever...hopefully.” He says with a grin on his face.

“Yeah you wouldn’t last a day.”

“Anyways would you like some Toast with butter?” Ulric says.

I look at him with my eyes wide open. “That would be splendid,” I say in a grateful voice. God I think in my head I really am pregnant. One minute I was almost yelling at him now I love him, and its only going to get worst.

“Alright I am on it”



After Ulric and I finished our breakfast I headed over to Arkrom's house. As I walk North-East towards his house I saw 2 people with green robes and staff that are a long stick and on the top there were green crystal balls that seemed to illuminate. I reach his house, and when I walk in I see Arkrom but not the Arkrom I know he is fully healed although he still had the scar from the burn on the left side of his face.

“Hey you look better,” I stutter still in disbelief “ A lot better,” I say even though it was supposed to stay in my head. I notice that he is actually a very handsome man. I have to shake my head, and remind myself that he is a client for now.

“Well thank you for that complement, and for saving my life,.... and taking care of me. You know what.” He says starting to stand up and walk closer to me.


“After all that I owe you.” He says with a smirk. Of course I could see were he was going with this. “So would I would like to take you out to the tavern across the street.

“I accept as long as you paying,” I say with a smirk

“Of course,” He says bowing to me. “Tonight 7 o clock sharp”

“alright…. see you there. I say slowly backing towards the door. “Bye” I say as if a ran a whole mile. As the door shuts I put my fist up into the air and shout. “Yes”

“What was that?” Arkrom says opening the door, looking at me.

“Oh, noting”

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