Chapter 6

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I stand In my bedroom looking down at my stomach which was bulging out of the dress I was wearing. As I stare at it, and say "Why can't you leave my body!" Frustrated I walk over to my desk that had a mirror in the middle of it. I stare at myself, looking at my red hair which was currently in a braid. I started to undo the braid, and let my hair down which fell to my mid back. I look back at the mirror and my hair is curly, and slightly shines in the light of the setting sun. As I run my fingers through my hair, I think about the events that are about to happen. Not like it's going to be life changing, but I still feel nervous about it, and I don't know why..

"Hey Katrina your boyfriend is here!" Ulric yells from down stairs.

"Alright be down in a minute," I roll my eyes as I shout. I stand up from the chair and start to head down stairs, but as I reach the stairwell I stop and turn back around just to check how I looked... Again.

"Wow look at that Arkom its Winter!" Ulric shouts trying not to laugh but he and Arkom end up laughing.

I storm down the staircase where I see Arkom standing next to Ulric, probably telling him one of his stupid stories again. This is the first time I have gotten to see Arkom from far away he is actually quite handsome if I do say so myself. His dark brown hair comes over his forehead but not blocking his beautiful blue eyes. He not the tallest man, but taller than me, but looks short compared to my brother but then again he is very tall. Arkom has a good build he is rather muscular. But as I was looking at his physique he was looking at me as well. Of course I took advantage of this moment.

"Sorry, it takes awhile to look this good" I say wrapping my hair around my finger and then doing a little hair flip. I probably looked like and Idiot.

Then I looked back at Arkom who was dumbfounded, and then after a couple seconds shook his head out of the trace and said, "Well, shall we my dear?" as he put his arm out for me to grab.

"Yes we shall" I say taking and wrapping my arm around his arm, and we walked out the door and headed to the tavern. As we were walking over to the tavern I see Enzo, and his wife Lyra. As we come up to the front steps of the tavern I to Arkom and he nods his head at me.

When we come into the tavern, Enzo turns around and looks at Arkom and me, "Aww you guys are too cute, now come sit with Lyra and me," I honestly couldn't tell if he was joking or just to drunk to think. Arkom nods at him and tugs my arm and we go to sit next to them.

Arkom offers me the seat next to Enzo, "Thank you," I say as I sit down turning to Enzo and smiling, I turn back around and I watch Arkom sit down.

"Well look who it is! Katrina!" I hear Ottair Yell from the back of the bar. "Oh and who is this," he says looking at Arkom.

"Oh hello my name is Arkom, and what is your's sir?" Arkom says standing up and putting out his hand for Ottair to shake.

"Oh my name is Ottair I own this tavern, nice to meet you," he says. Then he let go of Arkom's hand and starts to step back so he could look at Arkom and me at the same time and then asked. "So what would you two love birds like to eat?"

"Umm I guess I will have the grilled salmon." I say looking up at the menu posted on the boards above me.

"I will have the same," Arkom says smiling at me. I look back at him and mimic his smile, but in more of an exaggerated way.

"Well Lyra and I must go, I have to get back on duty, and Lyra wants to check back with the baby," he states chuckling.

"Ok first of all it's not like I don't trust the babysitter it's just that, you know I just want to see if my baby is okay. Alright maybe I don't trust the babysitter but still."

"Right of course my dear," he says rolling his eyes and tugging Lyra with him out the door.

After that I really don't remember anything after they left, I just fell into the the deep blue eyes of Arkom. But it wasn't like I didn't say anything I was aware of the whole thing we talked for hours upon hours. Until Ottair said to us.

"Um guys its one and um the tavern is closing."

"Oh wow your right look at the time!" Arkom said laughing as he stands up and puts out his hand for me to take. I look up and take his hand. I get up and let him walk me to my house. "Well Katrina this has been a great evening and morning," he says chuckling and I chuckle with him.

"Yeah I guess you're right," I say scratching the back of my head. "Anyways we should do this again," I say looking into his eyes that were shining in the glowing moon. I see him start to lean in for a kiss, I lean towards him as the insides of my body start to explode and as his lips touch mine I feel the butterflies in my stomach release. He grabs the side of my head and I do the same. We kiss for about 3 minutes until I pull back and say, "It's only the first date lets slow down," I giggle. "Well I will see you in the morning," I say as I turn towards the door, and as I open it I blow him a kiss and close the door. I turn towards the window near the door and I watch him walk away. Once he is out of view I turn back around and lean against the door and start smiling then I stop leaning on the door realizing how late it was again and I start tiptoeing up the stairs trying not to wake Ulric.

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