Chapter 2

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⁣"Eugh.." The boy stirred awake. He sprawled his appendages out, yawning. Abruptly the back of his cranium was in harrowing torment, pulling his arms to the area of discomfort, he detected a small compact of ice behind his head. The boy didn't remember anything from last night. All he recollected through his thoughts were, the scorching conflagration, a blemished village before him.. His sister embedded in planks of woodened boards that were slowly igniting, but before all he could see was calamitous abyss, he distinguished an atypical man, and his steed. He had no clue who the man was, though it was his scarcely alternative, his only hope to free his sibling from the doorway to demise. His mind started to flow with overwhelming thoughts. was his sister okay? Was she dead? Is he even alive?! He began to develop a fever from overthinking, his mind running wild, and his perception grew hazy. All he could think of was one thing. "ZELDA!" The boy shouted, the uproar of his voice filling the atmosphere of the room. He collapsed back into the cushioning he was placed on. Gasping for oxygen, and trying to swallow with a parched larynx. A migraine forming, he began to force himself to calm down. His optics slowly blinked. observing his arms, and the rest of his lacerations on his body, he noticed bandages swathed around. Before he could perceive more about his body, someone suddenly rushed through the door. ⠀⠀ ⠀ 

"Link?!" A honeyed tone spoke, though their sugar-coated words were filled with panic. The boy known as Link, subsided back into the soft cushioning that held him up. He slowly opened his baby-blue eyes glimpsing at the girl. Once he finally confirmed that Zelda had entered the space, he sighed heavily, feeling all of his dread, and panic vanish at ease knowing Zelda was okay. "Link, are you alright?" Zelda questioned becoming worrisome. 

Link could barely feel his own skin, Numbness and pain were coming back to his senses. He gradually nodded his head, unable to shout any more words. He seemed much calmer now in his current state. Link opened his mouth, trying to form words together. Link choked, he had already exploited most of his vitality trying to call out for Zelda. She slowly approached Link, and softly placed her hands beside his. Her blue optics had a look of sorrow in them, he couldn't figure out why though. She was safe, why was she sad or worried? 

"Link.. you're going to wear yourself out, you were already passed out for three days! don't try and jump to action after you just woke up!" Zelda scolded him in a soothing tone. She wasn't squawking at him like usual when Link tried to do something utterly bizarre. Link rolled his eyes at Zelda's nonsense, she kept rambling on about all the 'stupid' things Link would try and accomplish, and or do. Though another thought crossed his mind, How were they still alive?

Link hacked some more attempting to spew out more sentences. A few moments after silence he tried a final time. " are we s-still alive?" He laughed a little bit at the failed attempt to not stutter his words. Zelda folded her arms, examining Link's current health state, her eyes traced over the bandages, dried blood, and other injuries on Link. "Can you walk?" Zelda finally inquired. Link's hand engulfed into a fist, an then back to normal. His fingers slightly twitched as he forced to move them around. He gaped at Zelda. Zelda didn't want to push her brother to do anything in the kind of condition he was in. "Link.." She started.

Link nudged Zelda aside taking a stride off the bed he was originally on. Wincing every now and then, he placed his feet on the ground. Still having one hand grip onto the sheets of the bed, he shifted forwards. Link didn't make it long, misplacing a step, shortly after letting his grip loosen he staggered forwards, almost colliding with a nearby bookshelf if it wasn't for Zelda. 

Zelda briskly moved in front of the bookshelf, she caught Link in her arms just in time. She sighed in relief, though that relief only lasted a couple seconds. Coming from the top shelf, a glass vase had shattered beside Zelda. Link grew hazy, and felt as if he was going to lose his perception soon. He was fatigued, and overtired after only using little energy. His gaze met his sisters, he mouthed a 'I'm Sorry' to her. 

Without any warnings, the entrance slammed open. A dark figure stood towering down onto the siblings. Link had little time to react, his eyes gaped open and his mouth dropped. To an extent, Zelda had the same expression written on her face. They stared in shock wondering what would come next. The figure broke the silence that filled the area. 

"It is alright, do not worry about the vase." 

Link and Zelda exhaled at the same time feeling relief wash over them. 

"Though when you both are feeling healthy again, I expect a new one. You aren't off the hook that easily." 

Link looked at the figure in disbelief, his gaze kept shifting towards Zelda, and the other in the room. Zelda was still holding Link up to keep him balanced. His arm slunk over her shoulder for comfort. "Sorry.." Zelda mumbled under her breathe, she took the blame for the incident so Link wouldn't have it so hard. 

"How is he feeling?" the voice questioned with curiosity. "He's better.. though he isn't fully healed, Ganon." Zelda answered. Ganon? Link stared at the large shadow for a second. Ganon? Ganon Who? He swore he could recall a time meeting a Ganon in the past. He disregarded the thought, no way he could have met this dude before. 

Ganon looked at Link and slightly tilted his head. "Something the matter?". Link shook his head, he didn't bother to answer, a simple nod would suffice meaning he was 'okay'. Ganon nodded back at Link, who had balanced himself, with the help of Zelda, of course. 

"It seems I still have a lot of explaining to do, if you're able to make it outside the bedroom we can talk at the table." With that Ganon left the entrance of the room and outside, he didn't explain anything further. 

Link didn't need anything more than that, in fact he was quite curious to know what had exactly happened, though he wasn't exactly confident either. He was nervous. "Will you be alright?" Zelda asked carefully. "We should go.." Link replied noting that he had already missed the events of three days in a row. 

And that was it, Link and Zelda were off to discuss what would happen next with all the occurring events. 

(Heyo i havent updated this since like 300 years but heres a crappy next chapter. My shoulders got sore in the making of this so i made it shorter than i wanted it to be but oh well. i hope yall enjoyed!)


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