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no, not shorts you wear, or the shorts you watch, but the shorts you read.

shorts—short stories.


this is a collection of short stories. 

and my disclaimer: some stories were meant to be short, written to be short stories, while some were stories made short, as they never came to be. at the same time, there may be the stories that will come to be in the future. between the latter two, they will have preludes, thought out introductions, character casts, playlists, etcetera, but, i guess, fate will decide if this is their beginning or end.

other than that, welcome to shorts, the stories i wrote in hopes to stop time, pause time, slow down time.


for anyone, for everyone—

a distraction, a break, an escape. 

author's note

in life, i guess we're all striving to find purpose. it's hard; life's challenging. understanding the difficulties we all face, including both those we express openly and those we keep to ourselves, i hope to write in ways that not only touches hearts, but, also, heals souls. 

after being broken, doubtful, and lost over and over myself—emotions i still feel to this day—i hope you know you aren't alone, as that is the truth. stay hopeful and, together, we can protect one another. after all, you found this, the underground train of safety; you're protected. 

with that said, here is shorts, in it barest, most mundane form.

i hope you enjoy.

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