Part One

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You know when you just can't shake the feeling off that something bad is going to happen. Yea that horrible overwhelming anxiety that takes over your whole mindset. I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to be worrying about, just that I wasn't going to like it.

I looked up at Liam and noticed he was staring at me with a strange look on his face, like he wanted to say something but had no idea how.

"Are you ok?" I grinned at him but he avoided eye contact with me and ran his hand through his jet black hair. He looked so handsome all dressed up even if he seemed abit offish.

"I was thinking. I'm not quite sure how to say this!" He scratched the back of his head and let out a heavy sigh, his green eyes staring at the floor and he looked quite uncomfortable.

I felt my body tense up and my throat went drier than a desert. I grabbed his hand across the table and searched his face for something that would make me feel it wasn't as bad as I thought it was about to be.

But there it was.

The words fell from his mouth.

"I think we need a break."

"What? Is that a joke?" I laughed not sure if I heard him correctly.

"I just think it's for the best right now. We both have a lot going on and with university starting soon." He explained with a sincere expression.

Wow. Was he serious? Out in a swanky restaurant and he was dumping me like the last four years meant nothing.

I had no idea what to say.  My mind was racing with what the heck's. I felt as if the whole room was spinning around me. I felt sick and dizzy.

All I knew right that second was that I needed to get the hell out of there, away from him.

"Alissa please don't go." He said.  "I'm sorry!"

I stood up and turned my face away from him, grabbing my stuff and trying my I fight back the tears that were threatening to fall. 

Not wanting him to see how much I was hurting, he could not see me cry like a blubbering baby.

I ran out of the restaurant, my vision becoming blurry because of the tears that were falling from my eyes.  I didn't know where or what I was doing.

How could he do this to me, he was my everything. He had just sat there and ripped my heart out like I was merely nothing.

My life was over just like that.

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