Part 2

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  "I'm going to kill him." Avery seethed angrily through gritted teeth. " You're far to good for that loser Alissa." She said wiping my tears and handing me yet another tissue to blow my nose with. I smiled weakly and took it immediately. 

Throwing herself onto my bed and laying on her tummy,  she grabbed my phone off the bedside unit and frowned. I knew he had messaged. 

I woke up this morning hoping it had all been a nightmare but nope. I couldn't contain my excitement when my phone beeped a message from him though, I was certain he was going to take back everything he had said and tell me it was all a mistake, he loved me and wants to be with me. Obviously I wasn't that lucky because all the message said was that he hoped I understood his reasons for ending things now and some rubbish about how he would always treasure our memories. 

"What a load of crap," Avery had said the minute I showed her the message. 

She had come round within half an hour of me being cruelly dumped last night and stayed with me since. Listening to me ramble on and putting up with my ugly cry. We watched movies on Netflix and pigged out on chocolate. Mum had let us order a Chinese as well because she was busy working from home on her laptop while Dad was away on yet another of his business trips. 

Avery was my bestest friend in the whole wide world, she had been since that first day of school. We barely argued and were always there for each other. She was the type of girl that got along with anyone, she always had such a great vibe about her. She was perfect with a heart of gold. 

All the girls wanted to be her friend and all the guys wanted to be with her. With an amazing model figure, perfectly long brown hair and white straight teeth with a gorgeous smile and big blue twinkling eyes. Confidence just Ozzed from her pores, no wonder everyone wanted to be around her. 

"Let's go out tonight."  Avery burst out jumping up with excitement like a kid at Christmas morning. 

"Really. Do we have too?" I let out a groan of can't be bothered but Avery shot me one of her looks.

I couldn't help but laugh at her random ideas. Although going out was the last thing I wanted to do, I knew that she wasn't going to let that idea slide. Avery was the most sociable person I knew and didn't take no for answer, no matter what. 

I found myself nodding in agreement to which my over excited best friend jumped off the bed and pulled me into her for a hug. 

"Yay. It's going to be the best night ever, you will see." she promised. 

Two hour later and I stared at myself in the mirror. Avery beside me with her arms crossed over her chest, admiring her work with a satisfied grin. 

I didn't recognise the person staring back at me in the full length mirror. I usually wore my shoulder length blonde hair in a pony tail and no make up, with comfy jogging bottoms and oversized tops. Avery had worked her magic on me much to my dismay. 

"You look amazing." 

My hair was curled, I had make up on and a short black mini dress with heels that had been sitting in the back of my cupboard since forever. Avery had made me look like a completely different person. 

I smiled back at myself and for a few seconds felt good. 

Liam wasn't going to know what hit him if he saw me right now. 

Avery grabbed her phone and took a selfie of us both smiling and posted it straight onto her Instagram with a caption saying girls night. I knew Liam would see that post and it would probably annoy him and I instantly felt bad at the thought of him. 

"Are you sure it's a good idea? I mean I don't want Liam to think bad of me and I ..." 

 Avery interrupted me but grabbing my shoulders so I was face to face with her. "Do not give that loser a second of your time. It's his loss and he doesn't deserve you. Plus I don't want you ruining your make up being upset over that waster." 

A car tooting outside made me rush to the window and Avery quickly pulled me out of the house. I saw it was Eric, her cousin. I hadn't seen him in a while since his parents had split and his dad moved to another country, taking Eric with him. We all used to play together when we were kids. 

He jumped out of he car at the sight of us both and opened the passenger door with a big smile on his face. 

"Alright ladies. Wow don't you scrub up well." He said turning to Avery.

" Aww thanks cousin, good to see you again. You remember Alissa." Avery hugged him before getting into the car and sliding across the seats so I could get in beside her. 

I could feel his eyes turn to me. I felt shy all of a sudden even though I knew him I wasn't sure if he remembered me plus I wasn't exactly the girly girl growing up. I mean climbing trees and playing football in the park for hours with him as a kid was hardly going to make me girl of the year. 

"Alissa Evans. How could I forget." He winked and flashed me a smile showing off his white teeth. I couldn't help notice how gorgeous he had become. That goofy nerdy kid that I remember had blossomed into a tall, muscly dream boat. 

As I moved passed him his hand brushed against mine sending shivers up and down my spine. What the hell was that about? 

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