Part 3

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Avery linked her arm in mine as we walked into the club with Eric trailing behind us engrossed in his phone. Probably texting some girl from back home, he was literally drop dead gorgeous so I'm sure he has plenty of girls falling at his feet. Not that I was jealous or anything. I mean I was heartbroken over Liam dumping me but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about how Eric had changed. I had this strange butterfly in my tummy feeling whenever I glimpsed him.
"Let's do some shots." Avery insisted bringing me back to reality and handing me one from the bar. I threw my head back as I downed the shot in one. It tasted so good. Avery seemed determined we were going to have a good night. The music was so loud but as soon as I heard Eminem start to play I smiled happily. My favourite rapper of all time. Avery eagerly pulled me onto the dance floor, ignoring the bloke that had taken a liking to her. I looked around for Eric but couldn't see him anywhere. Those drinks had gone straight through me and as I made my way to the toilets I spotted Eric sitting in one of the booths talking to some beautiful brunette girl. She looked all cosy on his lap and clearly couldn't keep her eyes or hands off him. I felt a pang of jealously hit me and quickly looked away not wanting to catch his attention.
The club was packed by the time I finished in the toilets and the DJ had just started to play some clubland music. I decided to go and find a seat at the bar and have another drink while Avery was being chatted up by another bloke and his cheeses lines. I felt a hand on my shoulder and was about to scream but the second I whirled round and came face to face with him I fell silent. Eric. He grinned at me showing off his dimples. God he was gorgeous. Staring at the floor I pretended to look in my bag for something but he took my hand and pulled me away from the bar into a quiet corner so he didn't have to shout so loud.
"How are you? It's been a while." He said in my ear.
I felt that same shiver run down my spine as his body moved closer to mine.
"Umm yeah I'm fine, I guess." I replied smoothing down my dress and avoiding looking at him.
"Looks like you were busy. " I said referring to the brunette girl. Eric gave a laugh and I felt like such an idiot. God I must have sounded like a right jealous freak. I wanted the ground to swallow me up.
I could feel his eyes on me but still I couldn't look at him. My cheeks were burning red with embarrassment.
He gently placed a finger under my chin so I was facing him.
"She was nothing! Nothing on you anyway. You look unreal." He said leaning into me and brushing his lips against mine before kissing me.

I was stunned to say the least but instantly kissed him back. It felt so nice and natural.


I pulled away from Eric the second I heard my name. Dread filled me as I turned to see the one person I didn't want to see.


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