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Lucy Heartfilia was sitting in class with her best

friend Levy McGarden. Lucy was only a few

months older than Levy and had just turned 17. It

was only two days until spring break and the girls

were excited.

"What are you doing for spring break, Levy-chan?"

Lucy asked.

Levy blushed and said, "Gajeel invited me to go

camping with his family since my parents are gone

right now."

"How cute!"

Levy's blush darkened when Gajeel walked into

class, with his cousin Natsu. Gajeel winked at her

and she let out a little squeak. Lucy looked up and

saw Natsu. A sour look replaced her sweet one

and she rolled her eyes. Levy laughed and took

her seat next to Lucy.

Natsu and Lucy glared at each other until Mr.

Gildarts walked in.

He smirked and said," Please save your weird

flirting for after class."

The two students looked at each other then back at

him and yelled, "We're NOT flirting!"

The teacher just chuckled and the other students

tried not to burst out in laughter. For the next hour

the two of them were in a bad mood, only looking

up to give the other a death glare. Natsu couldn't

believe he actually thought they were flirting! He

would never flirt with HER. She was annoying and

emotional. He looked over at her and figured she

was thinking the same thing. Lucy had that angry

look on her face. Her eyes burned, her lips pulled

into a pout and her small nose scrunched up. Cute.

Wait... what? No! Bad Natsu. Not cute! She's not

cute! She's LUCY!

When the bell finally rang Lucy jumped up and

dragged Levy with her.

"Hey Lu-chan?" Levy asked.


"Do you like Natsu?"

Lucy almost tripped over her own feet and yelled,

"No! Why would you think that?"

Levy looked at her and responded, "You two have

known each other since freshmen year and

pretend to hate each other, yet you don't seem to

have any good reasons why. What's wrong with


Lucy quickly said, "There are plenty of things

wrong with him! He's loud and obnoxious, and he's

stupid and weird and funny and-"

"Funny?" Levy asked with a smirk.

"N-No!" I mean he tries to be funny...but...but he

sucks at it!"

Levy giggled and headed to her next class, leaving

Lucy behind fuming.

After school Lucy walked home alone thinking to

herself. When she arrived at her house and walked

in a servant named Loke greeted her.

"Hello Lady Lucy, May I take your bag," he said

with a wink.

"No thanks Loke I got it," she said with a smile.

Lucy made her way up to her room. She hated

being waited on like that, even if the servants were

nice. Her father, Jude, Owned the big Heartfilia

Company and made sure everyone knew about it.

She lay down on her bed and read for a little while.

She was having a crappy day and couldn't think of

anything that could make it worse.

About an hour later Lucy's father came home.

The second he got in the door he yelled, "Lucy,

come down here, we need to talk."

Crap. Last time he said they needed to "talk" she

found out her mother had died in a car crash. This

could not be good. She made her way down the

stairs and was filled with dread as she faced her


He looked at her with a blank expression and

said," The Heartfilia company is losing profits and

we need to merge with another company. I have

arranged you to be married to Igneel Dragneel's

son, Natsu. This will not be discussed as I have

already decided for you."

It took a moment for this to sink in. In 3...2...1...


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