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Natsu and Lucy's wedding was perfect. The same

day they found out she would be having a baby

they rushed to their parents and asked to move the

wedding day to the week after they graduated.

There was yellow and pink everywhere. Lucy

wasn't afraid to admit she had cried while Natsu

was saying his vows and Levy had to shush her.

Her cheeks had hurt from all the smiling and

laughing. It didn't feel like it was arranged because

they both loved each other so much. They had

gone back to Rio for their honeymoon and the

second they got back to their house they began to

set up a baby room. Lucy was ecstatic when they

found out it would be a girl. Natsu had begged her

to let him name her. He had decided on Nashi.

They had painted the room light pink with yellow

curtains and crib.

Lucy was surprised of how sweet Natsu was for

the next nine months. He was always sweet but he

never complained when she went into her weird

mood swings and gave her so many kisses she

thought he would run out. Despite the constant

annoyance of Nashi moving and kicking Lucy was

happy that this had happened. She couldn't wait for

her little girl to come out so she and Natsu could

officially be a family.

It was a spring Thursday and Lucy was on the

couch eating peanut butter ice cream while

watching Howl's Moving Castle for the millionth

time when she felt it. Pain began to spread through

her body and Nashi started than normal. She

started to panic. The doctor had said the baby

would be born any day now. Apparently today

would be that day.

"Natsu!" Lucy screamed. "Nashi's giving me a hard

time, I think she wants out."

Natsu practically fell down the stairs and ran up to

her side. "Are you sure Luce?"

Another jolt of pain rocketed through her body,

making her want to pass out. If this wasn't the

right time then she didn't know when it would be.

"Yes! I'm sure!"

Natsu almost dragged her to their car and floored

the gas pedal to the hospital. He kept muttering

comforting words probably for himself instead of



Natsu was called into the room where Lucy had

been for hours and found her holding a tiny baby

girl with wispy pink hair. He slowly walked up to

her bed and looked at his daughter. Lucy smiled at

him and passed her to him before passing out. He

smiled at her then looked at Nashi to see she had

Lucy's beautiful brown eyes and cute nose. She

was absolutely beautiful.

They took Nashi home the next day and showed

her to her room. They were excited even thought

Lucy was exhausted. The baby was so fussy and

Natsu missed his 15 hours of sleep but Lucy was

tired and wasn't going to wake her up all the time.

Yet life couldn't get better. He had gotten Lucy to

be his and now they were married. Next thing he

knew he had a little girl too. Everybody loved

Nashi. His parents adored her and Wendy would

have kept her if Natsu and Lucy her.

A few months later it was Lucy's 18th birthday.

Her friends had given her a surprise birthday party

and invited Natsu's friends as well. Levy and Mira

cooed the baby while Erza fawned over Jellal.

Cana and Lucy shared a drink with Gajeel and

Gray. They were thankful they had such wonderful

friends and had a lot of fun. They had stayed up

almost all night and Nashi wasn't very happy about

that. They felt bad that they had to kick everybody

out after the amazing party but Natsu doubted

anyone wanted to listen to Nashi's cries anyways.

The minute everyone left the couple went to bed.

After putting his baby girl to bed and taking a long

shower Natsu lay down besides his wife. He

looked at her and couldn't help but ask what was

on his mind. He knew he was being stupid but it

couldn't to ask.

"You said that the second you turned 18 you would

get us divorced. Do you remember that?"

Lucy looked at him with a tiny smile playing on her


"You're not going to do that, right?"

She giggled and pulled herself under the blankets

and held his cheek in her small hand and said,

"You dummy. Of course not. Our story may be

abnormal and a little screwed up but you're always

going to be mine."

(A/N) Finally the story is done!! Hope you peeps like the ending!

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