Chapter 6

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When Lucy woke up her eyes were red and still a

little wet. Had she ever stopped crying last night?

Lucy turned her head to see Natsu, who had not

moved an inch since last night. She didn't know

how to handle this. She had no idea how she was

supposed to act. She didn't even know how she

was supposed to feel. Lucy's mind told her that an

arranged marriage couldn't magically make her

have feelings for that idiot. Her heart told her a

different story. She remembered his strong arm

wrap its way around her waist, and his little smirk.

Lucy couldn't stop thinking about his surprisingly

soft lips on hers. Her heart ached to feel that way

again, to have Natsu kiss her. But Lucy couldn't fix

this even if she wanted to. Natsu was probably

going to wake up soon and realize the stupid

mistake he made: falling for her. He would laugh at

himself for even thinking it and he would move on.

Something moved by the floor and she saw pink

hair moving around. Natsu sighed and started to sit

up, still facing away from her. He turned over to

look at the bed and she closed her eyes,

pretending to still be asleep. Lucy dared to take a

small peek at him. His hair was screwed up and he

had an angry mark on his cheek still. His lips were

cracked and his eyes puffy and red from crying.

She almost let out a horrified cry at what she had

done but kept it in. She heard him walk off to the

bathroom and turn on the shower water. Lucy was

shaking with regret. She heard faint sounds coming

from the bathroom a minute later. She slowly

slipped out of bed and put her ear against the door.

Oh My God. Natsu was crying. Lucy couldn't stand

to listen so she got dressed and prepared herself

for the day. Lucy decided on an act for the day and

hoped Natsu would play along. This plane ride was

going to be hell.


Natsu had finished his depressing cy-fest in the

shower and took in a deep breath, preparing for

the shit Lucy would give him. Maybe she would

cry, maybe she would hit him again. Natsu winced

and opened the door. Lucy was zipping up her


"H-Hey, Luce," he started, not knowing what else

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