Chapter 5

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Lucy lay in bed at 7am with Natsu beside her. She

was going to push him out but…it was early and he

was probably tired. She looked over at him, his

pink bangs in his face. Lucy feel asleep again

looking at Natsu.

"Luce, Luce, Luce Lu-"

"What?" Lucy yelled back her pillow over her face.

Natsu had been bouncing up and down on the bed,

his legs on either side of her body, his arms above

each shoulder. Lucy blushed furiously at the sight

of him on top of her, in a very suggestive position.

"Natsu! Get off of me!"She squeaked, her voice


"Why?" he asked, his head tilted. It drove her crazy

when did that. "Don't you like it Luce?" he asked

faking innocence.


Natsu laughed and retreated leaving Lucy almost

regretting it.

"Any plans today." She asked him.

"Wanna just sit in here and watch movies?" He


Lucy looked at him and said slowly, "We are in Rio

and you want to sit inside and watch movies?"

"Erm, yes?"

"Okay!" she said. Natsu laughed, and grabbed his


"I'll be back soon with movies!"

Lucy smiled a little. "Okay." The second he left she

got up to go shower, and got dressed. After

grabbing some breakfast she jogged back up to

their room to find Natsu with a horrifically large

stack of movies in his arms.

"Hey Luce! Waddaya wanna watch first?"

She just laughed at him. "I don't care, just put one


Natsu grabbed a random disk from the middle of

his pile and pressed play.

Time skip

They both sat there watching movies all day. When

it had gotten late Natsu started to close his eyes.

Lucy just smiled as he nodded off into sleep. After

a while Lucy noticed him slowly leaning onto to lap.

Despite the furious blush she was developing she

didn't push him away. How could she? He was

adorable. Lucy realized what she just thought.

Lately all Lucy could think about was Natsu.

Whether it was the fact that he was too loud or was

being funny it was always Natsu. She sighed

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