Chapter 3

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Catrina POV

I sighed, walking in with dr. Chen and Serizawa. Then a guy walked up to us, smiling. "Well would you look at this. The sky goddess has returned". He said. "This is Rick. Brain number 2. I'm brain number 1". She said. "Keep dreaming sweet heart". He said. We sat down on a table, sighing while a women went up to the table. "Hello. My name is colonel Diane for the new people here. We have catrina with us. She has the monster known commonly as mothra. Queen of the monsters". She said and appeared some people next to these monster like creatures. "We believe and done our research that they could be in these bodies. We found godzilla in San Francisco. William smith. Former US solider and military officer". She said. I sighed nervously. "So how are we supposed to get close to him. For all we know he could burn us alive". A soldier said. "And that is why we got the big guns". She said, looking at me. I froze. "W-wait just a minute. Your not actually gonna let me go near these guys are you". I asked, nervously. "You are our only option in getting near these men. They trust only their own. Monsters are very strict creatures". Serizawa said. "And dare I say godzilla and your mothra had a thing back then so practically you guys getting back together will help a lot". Rick said. I glared at him. "Do you expect me to seduce him back into my arms". I asked, confusingly. "Well. Ya". He said. "Of course not. Your monster can help get the monsters back. She still has some control over them. If she can get godzilla then we can get all the monsters back". Dr Chen said. I sighed. "...okay..kinda like that plan better then his". I said, glaring at Rick who smiled. Dr. Chen smiled. "Dont worry. You get used to his humor". She said. I smiled, sighing, nervously.

So king of the monsters. What are you doing now?

(Time skip)

Micheal POV

I gulped on my beer and gasped, sighing. I put my cup down, sighing. Then my waiter came, smirking at me. "Filled up your liquor yet sweet heart". She asked, curiously. I sighed. "Sadly not yet. I'm gonna need another round". I said. She giggled, pouring me another cup. Then I looked up at the news, seeing them talk about a attack a accidentally made.

"Near San Francisco a explosion happened in a building. No one knows how or why this happened. People are saying people this is an accident. Some are saying someone did this on purpose". I sighed, rolling my eyes while, drinking more of my beer.

(Time skip)

I sighed, drunkly, walking threw the streets alone. I sighed covering up until I heard someone following me. "William smith is it". I heard. I froze, sighing, closing my eyes. "Former US solider and military officer". The person asked. I sighed, turning around, drunkly. "Listen. If you want money I got nothing. So I suggest you keep on-". Once I saw her face, everything stopped.

She was gorgeous..beautiful..her smell was refreshing from my beer smell and every part of her body looked perfect.

She stared at me. "I'm not here for money..I'm here for you..and your monster". She said, to my confusion. I blinked, confusingly, laughing a bit. "I'm sorry. what. I dranked  too much so I probably missed heard you". I said. She walked over to me, sighing. "I know this might sound crazy but believe me..I thought it was crazy need to come with me". She said. I chuckled. "Listen. As beautiful and gorgeous and sexy as you are..I gotta go back home. I'm drunk as hell and I don't think I'll make it back home so. Might as well try". I said. She smiled. "Thought you would say that". She said. Then out of know where I felt sleepy. Then I passed out on the ground, passing out.

Catrina POV

I walked over to him, sighing, seeing him snoring. I giggled, smiling a bit, staring at him.

..why is my heart beating for him..he's just a stupid drunk that can't handle himself..

(Time skip)

William POV

I groaned, blinking my eyes open, feeling a throb in my head, to my annoyance. I held it, annoyingly. "Good morning William Smith". I heard. I flinched, seeing two people in my room. I groaned, sitting up, confusingly. "Who the hell are you..where the hell am I". I asked, confusingly. "My name is Dr. Serizawa..and this is Dr. Chen. Were here for you and your monster. Godzilla. King of the monsters". Serizawa said, to my confusion. "M-my what". I asked, confusingly. "Godzilla. Have you ever heard of the titans". The girl asked. I sighed. "Uhhh. Ya..there was a battle in San Francisco". I said. "After the battle they disappeared. We couldn't find them until one of the monsters woke them up. We believe that each of them are hiding in bodies, including yours". he said, making me flinch. " think this inside me". I asked, confusingly. "We don't think it. We know it. He's the reason why strange things happen to you". She said, to my shock.

Why does this all make since..

" why do you need me to be here". I asked. "Since you have Godzilla this'll be a great advantage. Your monster is the rightful ruler to the monsters. If we use him against the other monsters will be able to get them back". He said. I stared at him. "And if we get them back". I asked. "Life will finally be restored as it should be". Dr. Chen said. I stared at the ground and sighed. "Okay..I'm in".  I said. "alright. We will meet in the meeting room. be ready and umm..take a shower". He said, to my confusion. I smelled my armpit and choked. doctor Chen smiled and left. I sighed, painfully, laying my head against the pillow.

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