My December

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Angel Grove December 1999.

Sitting at home drinking a pint of whiskey had become the norm for Jason L. Scott, the once vibrant man had become a shell of himself and nobody seemed to care if he lived of died, which had made him close off his heart to the rest of the world.

Having been abandoned by his parents at the tender age of 1 and had damaged him greatly, made him afraid to trust others, for many years specially when no one ever adopted him. Then in high school he became a power ranger and finally felt like he belonged to something while being a leader had its tense moments he still cherished it, then they saved Tommy Oliver who was the Green Ranger at the time and that is when things changed.

When Jason failed to get Tommys power back the team blamed him as did Zordon, belittling him and turning their backs on him, which fractured his already damaged heart and mind to even greater depths, then Tommy came back as the White ranger and Zordon booted him as leader inder unanimous vote, in favor of Tommy while Billy was now second in command and never gave a reason why, another major piece of himself gone, he soon felt doubt about being on the team as all his achievements soon were replaced by Tommys. Day after day he felt himself lose all that he had built up as his 'friends' gave him the cold shoulder continuously. Then came the replacements and was told by Zordon he had to give up he coin as he was no longer apart of the team, Trini and Zack along with another from School named Jesse were picked to join the peace conferences in Switzerland as he had been passed over without warning, another piece gone, it was if as fate was driving him to the darkness.

Not bothering to say goodbye to those he had once called friends he receded into himself and effectively put the rangers out of his mind but soon found one of two women he came to care about and felt love for.

First was Kat Hillard, exchange student from Australia, the two hit it off and would meet up after school do homework and such, then they started dating for nearly a year but then she ghosted him after her birthday and never spoke to him again, one day he found her with Tommy and the Rangers Minus Kim who had left for Florida by that point, he saw her and Tommy holding hands and knew then she was gone, a big part of his heart cracked and he was rarely seen in school after that who couldn't handle anymore betrayal, never seeing the sad looks from Kat, Tommy and Billy.

The second was a girl named Emily and like Kat, thought he had something special, till he found a letter from her after only dating for a year as well. She left to go back to her hometown with her ex and said that she was sorry but she was over him.

That finally did it for him and he shut down, graduating from school early like Billy he shut himself away in his apartment and drank his pain away, he had nothing worth living for and was simply tired of it all, surprisingly his former friends began calling him every once and while or Zordon would try to get him on the communicator but he never answered trying to speak to him again for whatever reason, he simply refused, not wanting to trust them anymore and he would never let them back in his life how ever long that would be.

So sitting at home on his 23 birthday drinking, he just didn't have energy to even care anymore, turning his head to the side he looked out the window to see it was sunrise, for the first time in nearly a year he shed tears and sobbed to himself finally breaking down, unable to feel the strength to hold off he let it all go and just weeped for his sad and cursed life, after awhile he stopped crying but the lump in his throat and the pain in his chest never left. He pulled out a straight blade he had kept for the last six months and closed his eyes sighing as he ran it over both his arms without much force and began bleeding profusely, it was then he felt a ghost smile appear on his face, his pain would soon be over.

He bleed out in minutes and passed away before 6am, it would be several more hours before he was found and both his former friends and parents would then realize how badly they fucked up but by then would be too late to rectify it.

My Dark Place AloneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora