The Horrible Truth

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It had happened again, the enemy now known as the Kuroi Ryu had taken down another team, the Lightspeed Rescue Team, leaving Carter needing a lung trasplant and Ryan in a coma from the beating he got, Chad and Joel had shattered bones in their arms and legs and would take months of rehab to be able to move again, Kelsey now suffers from PTSD and has constant nightmares about him and Diana's Father lost both legs when their command ship blew up and sank into Mariner Bay.

The other rangers were now afraid, this new enemy was powerful, while he hadnt killed yet, that could change soon and no one could stop him.

Wes, Eric and the Silver Guardian's were on their way to Meet with Turbo's team mentor Dimitira along with the Original Team's leader Tommy Oliver, they needed a plan to combat this new threat.

At the same time, Rita had gotten word that Zedd had been killed near Edenoi during a space battle with Count Dregon who also was killed and Rita now was a widow carrying his child though not completely heart broken as she stopped truly loving him the last couple years of their marriage, but grived for the man she did love once upon a time.

But she had her parents, Brother and despite there difference friends among the other evil women in her mothers cabinet.

So while she grieved for her dead husband Devora took charge of Ryu for the time being who just returned from his latest conquest, to praise.

"You have done well, my Knight, another is done now we must build up our armies and resources, soon we will conquer Earth," she said proudly.

He nodded to her then looked over and found his Emperess missing, but before he could ask, Devora told him. He nodded to her and would give her; her space for the time being.

He then looked over to Goldar and Rito and nodded to them and the trio left.

"Have we found the cards yet?" Ryu asked. Rito pulled them out and five cards appeared, handing them to him. "Good now we have our own team, call for the wolves and that dinosaur its time". Goldar chuckled darkly and nodded.

The trio split away and Ryu went to his own quarters he pulled out the cards and placed them on the ground and began powering up his magic and using on finger sent a burst to a single card and all five began glowing white the cards soon disappeared and humanoid shapes took their places as the light died down and five in Ranger styled armor appeared.

"Ugh, we are we?".

"What strange dreams".

"Who are you?".

The five looked at the one who brought them back warily with slight curiosity.

"I am Kuroi Ryu, i have brought you back to serve my Queen, Lady Devora we will usher in a new age of darkness in the galaxy, will you join our cause?" Jason asked them.

The five looked at each other then nodded to him as he held out his blade and it powered up and shot beams at them powering them up as well.

Red, Yellow, Black, Pink and Blue.

"I now redub thee my Psycho Rangers".

The five began cackling ready to deliver evil to all that is good in the universe.


"So your telling me you have no idea who this new player is?" Eric asked frustrated.

Dimitira shook her head sympathetically to them all, they had been going over who it could be under that armor, but nothing showed even the slightest clues.

"Hold on, when did this guy first appear?" Billy asked them all looking over some schematics.

"About a month ago right after that big earthquake," Wes said confused.

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