The Incurable Tragedy

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[Warning: this Chapter will be very dark, reader discretion is advised]

Jesse and Maria were in shock, this is what became of their son? They watched him throw a red energy ball at them with out care or abandon and it shattered their hearts to know they truly lost him, the last thing they saw was Zordon making his attack before they vanished on white light back home, were they would watch the rest of this on TV, not seeing their other children behind them watching as well wondering what just happened right now, though Maria was now sobbing into Jesses who held his wife close, his own tears won out and they sat on the couch, regretting their inactions for all those year, barely paying attention to the fight on tv.

At the same time the two titans were now locked in battle.

Zordon had deflected the energy ball and raced ahead, ready to throw a punch at Jason, he needed to end this soon, but Jason caught it and deflected Zordon's other fist as he kicked him in the chest sensing him flying back.

With a grunt Zordon placed a hand on his throbbing chest, looking back up at his former student...his son.

He wanted to speak to him to get through to him, but Jason had long given up on the light and his humanity, he didn't blame him though, how much can one take before you lose that and give up.

Lost in thought he didn't see the energy ball come at him, hitting him square in the face, which sent him into the mountain face, as part of the wall crumbled down on him.

Jason looked down at Zordon feeling only hate now, he hated them all, he wanted to destroy it all so he wouldn't have too look on them anymore.

Zordon was trying to get this huge piece of rock off him, not looking up at Jason.

"Goodbye Zordon" .

Taking out his weapon he slashed it down ready to kill him....when it met something else due to the loud metal clicking sound.

He looked to see Andros and the Space Rangers there, with Eric with Time Force, Merrick with Wild Force, along side Karone who still had the pink Galaxy powers

"You wont kill him, you wont be killing anyone," Andros stated darkly.

Jason looked at them all, "then i will go through you first".

With out warning he punched Andros hard as the others, separating Jason from Zordon as Andros, Trey and Karone came to help him out, his suit was singed, torn and he was bleeding a bit but okay.

"Jason is much stronger then he was before, whatever Rita did, enhanced his power, he have to find away to sever his power, then defeat...him," Zordon said with a sad voice, feeling the weight of his sin wear down on him.

"Then we will have to go to the source, Rita and Devora, they are the ones in charge of him," Karone stated.

He looked at her with a nod as he reached out and the baby nearby came to his embrace, Zordon immediately help the little boy using the white light to calm him down as Tommy and Kat appeared in relief as they came up taking J.J. as Kat cried into her son, Tommy held them both

It was a small win, but those around them smiled seeing it till they heard the explosion and looked over to see Jason holding both Eric and Merrick, by the necks looking at them and the downed rangers groaning on pain as they were having trouble moving.

"I am when love forsakes you, i am when hope abandons you, i am the absence of light, peace is a embrace the cold darkness".

Using his super strength he threw both men quiet aways which sent them over the cliff side sending them over 200 ft to the ground below, impacting the ground with a loud thud and both men lay still, as they were sucked in to the soil a good 5 inches.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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