Role Reversal

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The battle had begun, Jason had wasted no time as he and Tommy raced ahead to battle.

The two red rangers had reached each other and were locked in a vicious fight, with Tommy on the offensive, punch, kicks, jabs were thrown at his former friend and ally. Jason blocked and dodged, not wasting anytime, he could tell Tommy still trained so he couldnt be lazy in this fight.

Seeing an opening Jason punched Tommy in the helmet hard cracking the star visor and sending him flying into a brick building, the grunts of pain coming him told that he was injured.

Kat, Rocky and Kim had rushed to him to check on him while the others were now fighting Jason and losing badly.

At the same time unknown to all of them this was being broadcasted, to the world, with only four none rangers, knowing their true identites.

Trevor, Derek, Emily and Melissa sat in Derek and Billy's place watching this fight unfold, knowing they were facing the one who destroyed several teams already, but hoping and praying for the best.

Billy and Trini tag teamed Jason while Adam, Aisha, Zack and Tanya were powering up their weapons.

Jason saw those at the last second and decided to use Billy, grabbing him by surprise and holding him as a shield for the power attacks as they hit and you could hear his screams of pain.

The Rangers looked on in horror as Billy hung in the air now semi conscious, his armor smoking, his breathing ragged, Jason then threw him into the side into a wall crashing through it into a building, never taking his gaze from the others.

Derek was in tears seeing his love like that and felt his heart stop as Emily hugged him to her as he cried. The others watching on still in fear and anticipation.

"He was your friend you bastard," Trini screamed at him in shock and horror.

"Since when were any of you my friends, specially after losing the Green Ranger Power to Rita when you all sat at the command center like dogs watching me fight for my life, ask me again bitch," he stated calmly but coldly.

Trini winced at his accusation, but still glared at him though he knew he was right the same with Zack, Kim and Tommy.

"You were never my friends, you all tucked tail and ran at the first available moment, just like that fool Zordon, it is time for Evil to reign, you.....will.....all......die".

Summoning another power ball he threw at them hitting them head on which rocked the local area around them like an earthquake, sending bodies flying all over.

Now they were all on the ground groaning in pain, demorphed, seeing their faces dirty, singed and bruised, while Billy was still unconscious.

He walked up to Trini and grabbed her throat and hoisted her up to eye level.

"Now the world knows your true identies, the power has failed you and the light will be snuffed out permanently," he said with a slight glee to his voice.

Trini now felt real fear, this was not the Jason she remembed and cared for all those years ago, this was the monster she had helped create, by her own arrogance and insecurity. Adam tried to reach her but was in too much pain to hardly move, fear gripped his heart not wanting to see his wife die in front of him.

"Jason stop".

He looked over letting his one time team mate go, to see Tommy back up again in his White Ranger armor.

"Jason, look man i am sorry for what we did to you, for what we didn't do for you, but please don't do this, don't cross the line and go down that dark road, please let us all go," he said to him sincerely.

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