21: shirabu do got a point tho

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tendou ft. shiratorizawa 😈

y/n 🧘‍♀️ has been removed from tendou
ft. shiratorizawa 😈

bowl cut 🍜
okay wtf
who removed her?

nintendou switch 😋
who the fuck am i fighting

baby ace 🥺🤲
wait i'm so confused
who kicked y/n????

miracle grow 🌳
i do not know.

reonnnn 🥳
there's only one obvious answer
here guys

kawaii-nishi 🍄
yeah are y'all dumb or are y'all

miracle grow 🌳
that's not nice, taichi.

kawaii-nishi 🍄
sorry wakatoshi
it really is obvious

reonnnn 🥳
there's only one person who
hasn't said something yet
and he's the one who supposedly
really likes her
so that's a little suspicious don't
y'all think

baby ace 🥺🤲
semisemi kicked her ???

kawaii-nishi 🍄
from my standpoint that's
what it looks like
reon's right tho
it's a lil sus that he hasn't spoken

nintendou switch 😋
why would he kick her though
that's what doesn't make sense
to me

bowl cut 🍜
bc he's a little bitch that's why
his feelings are hurt bc she hasn't
been texting him back and vaguely
talks to him in the setters group
boohoo get the fuck over it
how old are you???
you're a whole third year grow up
a girl doesn't like you for once
cry about it

nintendou switch 😋
damn home boy had that on his
chest for a min 😭😭😭

reonnnn 🥳
shirabu do got a point tho
no point in moping around abt
it and kicking her from a chat
where you're not the only one she
talks to is just plain childish

kawaii-nishi 🍄
poor girl's probably wondering
what she did wrong
text her and check how she's
doing kenjiro
y'all are close now right?

bowl cut 🍜
but she's with those inarizaki
guys rn i don't wanna bother her
chances are she hasn't seen it
yet bc she's busy

miracle grow 🌳
i am still confused.
first, why is eita upset about y/n
not texting him back?
second, how did you two become
friends shirabu?

baby ace 🥺🤲
i'm glad you're good friends with
her now shirabu!! she's really cool
isn't she?

bowl cut 🍜
she is

reonnnn 🥳
let me answer your first question—
idk if you've heard but y/n is in
a bit of a love triangle
well, a square, if you will

miracle grow 🌳
oh yes. i know about that.
the karasuno captain, daichi, was
talking to us about it. he is apart
of it right?

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