Don't compare-Don't label

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I am going to directly jump to the topic in question without any preamble and intro


Never ever ever compare a person with another

At least when you do, don't do it without knowing full details

Never judge a person with just half the knowledge of them with you

Know and understand the situation completely and properly before u give ur decision abt them

u wanna know why?

cuz it makes that person who ur comparing want to die

It makes them feel worthless

It makes them feel pathetic

It makes them feel useless

And when this continues.....

Their brain reaches a point that they get this in their mind:
'If i one wud even notice....i am invisible to them even when i am alive...what difference does it make if im dead....i am anyways an empty shell'


stop them from that before they become a hopeless case

Please understand and see things from other person's shoes and then go judge

please please please

Don't make that will leave them with nothing but one option :die

and now coming to the 2nd point...don't label any1

U wanna know why?

lemme give examples.....

so....let's say you call a person 'the life of the party'

Those people....if they are sad., will NEVER utter a word  if they are sad...why?


And when they are sad, they will flee the situation because they think you would hate them if they dampen the mood of the party with their gloominess

I mean...who doesn't hate mood dampeners?

Let's say you call a person 'introvert'

You know how that makes them feel?

It makes them think:

they are worthless

They are a hopeless case

so please please dnt tag anyone names and please please please don't compare them with anyone else

It kills them

It makes them an empty shell


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