Whatever is Shown is Seen

22 6 13

Do these ring a bell?

~People say they know me, tbh they DO NOT 

~I am the only one who understands myself

~They don't even know a fraction of who I am

~They don't know my world, my thought process, my feelings, my likes, my dislikes, NOTHING

~Sometimes when I am sad, I put up a smile and they don't even realize it

~No one can ever read me or understand me

Were these the same lines you use(d)?


There is a reason if no one understands you- YOU DON'T WANT BE UNDERSTOOD

Sounds cool doesn't it?
Being the mystery person everyone is oh so eager to decode.

But yet, there are times when we wish there is someone to read us like a book.

Funny right?

But everyone does need someone who can read them like a book. No one's life is filled with only happiness, there will be chapters in our lives where we are depressed and down and sad, These are the times we wish a 'someone' to be existent, to detect our moods, to be able to understand us. 

Coming back to our question, Why does no one understand you? Why do you say that no one knows a thing about you? 

Well well

The answer lies in you, what you do.

In our frame of reference, we know everything about ourselves.

But what do other's know? 

The world will NEVER see you as you are. It will only see whatever you display for it to see.

Basically we are like an art gallery, the visitors cannot see all the paintings of the artist but only pieces kept on display,

All I am saying is that the world will see you as you show yourself to it.

And before I take my leave, this is the most common quote nowadays:

~It's alright if you don't understand me, even i don't understand myself.

Agreed it sounds cool.

But please, do understand the meaning of it.

Are you really that dumb that you can't even understand your own thoughts? That one thing over which you have unlimited power?

What does that tell about you?


Thank you

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