Life is a Book, We are Authors

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I strongly believe everyone of us are great authors. No, not just us but every human being that ever walked upon earth. You wanna know why am i saying this? Well isn't our life itself a book?  A book which we write? A book which we preserve? Each day is a new chapter in it. we are the protagonists of our life. a protagonist doesn't know what will happen next. But the author knows how to steer through the situation. Even in life, we do steer ourselves out of our situation, and we don't know what is written in the  next chapter of our life. 

Sometimes things never go the way we want them to go like. Instead they take sharp turns and turn into something really unexpected. Every such turn breaks us on the inside. But these same turns make us tougher and stronger. Each time a turn breaks us, we mend ourselves. That mending will not weaken us but strengthens us. It toughens us so much that at a point we become unbreakable. We no longer remain fragile but are tough, daring and dashing. This is just how things work in life. It is a sort of a pre-given order that cannot be changed, a rule that is engraved on a stone. So thriving in all this is the only thing we can do and what WE WILL DO

It is the way we live our life that brings out and showcases the lovely author hiding deep inside us.
Hope u guys have a great day:))

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