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I sit on my bed, and look at the poster on my wall. It's got a platinum blonde boy with grey eyes on it. I hug my pillow, and sit up from my bed. I am supposed to be asleep, but I secretly took my laptop with me to bed. I read some Draco X Reader fanfictions on Wattpad, and decide to read a story called Just A Boy. as I read the story through, I see a sentence which h

as 2 comments. ''I love you, Y/N.'' It said. I click on the sentence to see the comments. The first one says: I just love him so much..It hurts. The one under that comment, which replied to the first one, said: Just reality shift!

It was this moment. That had changed my life Forever.

Authors note:

Hello there my Darlings! So, I was bored and decided to write a new story.

So, this is a mix of what happenend to me and what I want to happen. I havent shifted yet, but I am still trying. The upper things have happenend to me already. And the first few things also.

Once ''I shifted'' its what I want to happen, and not what has happenend.

Toodles!! <3 ^_^

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