Reality Shifting?!?

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As soon as I read the words 'reality shifting' , I was confused as fuck. I searched it up, and turned out I can go to Hogwarts. I totally freaked out! I thought to myself: I AM TRYING TONIGHT. And so I tried. I tried the raven method, I layed down in the starfish positon, played some subliminals, and started counting. 1....2....3.......4.......35..36...My mind drifted off, and I lost count. 27..I decided. 28..... I closed my eyes, and continued counting. I started shivering. I was scared of getting stuck, and sleep paralysis, but I kept on counting. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up in my bed, and I looked around thinking I was at Hogwarts. But no, I was still in my muggle home room..

It has been months now and I have started to lose motivation. My parents make fun of me, thinking I'm crazy and should go to an asylum. I tried explaining reality shifting to them, but they just won't understand... I get my backpack, and pack my phone, water bottles, and some sandwiches. I open my window, and get onto the roof. It's 2 AM and I lay my backpack next to me. I have been on the roof earlier today, taking some blankets and pillows with me. I lay onto the pillows and blankets and watch the stars, drinking some water and turning on a playlist on spotify called: Falling in love with Draco Malfoy.' I eat a few sandwiches and lay in a comfy position, counting and imagining myself laying against Draco, smelling his expensive cologne, feeling his cold yet warm body next to mine. I try to ignore the summer breezing air, and think of Draco's warmth. My eyes suddenly open themselves, and I lay in My DR bed. I scream, realizing I made it. I jump from my bed and run to the mirror in  my dorm. I have wavy, brown hair, and beautiful blueish eyes. I am wearing my Hogwarts robes, which have a beautiful yellow color. I run downstairs to have breakfast, and accidentally bump into him. Into Draco Lucius Malfoy. He is in his second year, and his hair is slicked back. I look into his blue eyes, and it feels like time has stopped. I now am actually able to smell his expensive cologne, and I stop myself from reching for his platinum blonde hair.''Watch your steps, You  stupid 1st year.'' I hold back my laughter. You stupid first year, did he just say that?!? Lol. '' Sorry, Malfoy.'' He looks at me in pure confusion, probably wondering how I know his name, and then just walks off. I scripted that Hermione knows I reality shifted, and she runs up to me. ''YOU MADE IT, CHEYENNE!'' Even my brother, Harry, knows I shifted. Hermione hugs me tightly and I tear up from hapiness. Then Harry notices us, standing there in the grand hall, and he runs up to us together with Ron, who also knows I shifted. We get together and I explain to them how terribly happy I am to finally be there.

I sit down with the golden trio, and Ron hands me a donut. ''Those are delicious, we know how long you have wanted to taste some of Hogwarts food. So here ya go!'' He says, smiling. ''Why thank you, Ron!'' I take it and take a bite. I close my eyes, and I dramatically chew it in slowmotion. I swallow it and then tear up again. ''I'm actually here. I'm at Hogwarts!'' Then Malfoy walks up to us, and looks at Harry, then at me, and back at Harry.''Is this your sister, Potter?. Never seen her before.'' He says as he slightly smirks at us. ''Just shut up Malfoy, we didn't sit here for you to -'' ''No, Harry. Let's just answer him. He's not our biggest problem'' I want to talk as much as I can with him, and don't want to stop seeing him. He's mesmerizing on TV, but in real life he just hits different. In a good way. ''Yes, I am his sister. You haven't seen me before because the Dursleys wouldn't let me get to school.'' I answer him smiling. ''He looks at me, and smiles. ''At least your sister knows how to respect her superiours.'' I feel myself blush and look away as fast as I can.''I'm going for a walk around the castle.'' I scripted Draco to ask me if he can come. ''I'm coming with you, to show you around''  I remain silent, and follow Draco.

''So, I am taking you to the astronomy tower first. It's my favourite place around here.'' I nod and we get up the Astronomy tower. ''Wow, the view here is lovely!'' I say smiling.''By the way, don't think that we are friends now. Professor Sprout wanted me to show you around.'' Huh..I didn't script him to say this. Something feels off. After Draco showed me around the castle, he guided me back to my dorm, since the castle is extremely big, and it took the whole day to show me around. As Draco left, I ran to my bed and said my safe word. I open my eyes, but I'm still in my dorm. No. No. No. Oh no. HELL NAH. Am I...No.. It can't be!

Authors note-

I saw this type of story around earlier, and decided to get some inspiration of it.

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