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No, it can't be! I don't know if I'm happy scared or sad right now. I am stuck at Hogwarts. I remember that I scripted Dumbledore to know about shifting, but..I'm not sure if my script still has any effect ony my desired reality. I get up from my bed, and I run towards the Headmasters office. I knock on the door, and professor Dumbledore opens it up and welcomes me in. '' Take a seat'' He smiled at me. ''So, do you know what shifting realities means, professor?'' I looked at him worriedly. ''Yes, Indeed. I know that you shifted. But what's the problem?.'' He said, still smiling, and having the trusted twinkle in his eyes I read about. ''Well. I said my safe word, but can't seem to get back..'' I said tearing up. ''Oh my... That's a shame. Well, It's not. Uhmm.. Cheyenne. You accidentally switched realities..'' ''I DID WHAT?!?!''  ''Calm down, Cheyenne. I can Obliviate you, so you forget about your whole reality.'' I widened my eyes.''No. We're not doing that. Never.'' I nervously laugh and rub the back of my head as tears stream down my face. ''I understand.'' He was still smiling, but in more of a sad way.. ''Well, You now belong in this reality, which, I guess.. Means you are a official Hogwarts student.'' He gives me a warm smile, and I calm myself down.

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