Happily doomed

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Authors note~ I know, its a shitty story, but Im 13, and Im trying as hard as I can, and Im not even english. Im dutch. The grammar is fucked, so is the timeline, and the time its told in, but please understand Im a beginning writer :) ~

Im back in my dorm, which I share with Hermione and Ginny. They sit next to me, and as I can see on their faces, they know something is off. Not much later Hermione gives me a worried look. ''Whats wrong Cheyenne?'' I know that this girl never gives up, so decide not to lie. ''Im stuck.'' I answer her. She looks even more concerned than before now, probably questioning my mental health, which is understandable. ''What do you mean 'stuck'?'' Ginny asks me, with a confused look on her face. ''Im stuck in this reality. I tried everything! Shifting back with the same method I used to get here, saying my safe word, doing my safety action.. Nothing works.'' Hermione gets emotional, and Im not sure if thats by happiness, or if shes just feeling bad for me. I think a little bit of both. I see her tear up and the next thing I know is that they are both hugging me. I smile a little bit as I hug them back. Im extremely glad to have them. I barely know them, yet I know them better than I know myself. We hug for what feels like ages. I feel myself tearing up as well, and notice Ginny is crying too. I pull away from the hug and the girls both make eye contact with me. ''W-well. This is what you wanted...right?'' Ginny slightly smiles wiping her tears away. ''I guess so...At least Im not a muggle anymore.'' Hermione just sits there and laughs a bit at my stupid comment. I suddenly smile bright. ''I get to live at hogwarts! As Harry Potter's little sister! I cant believe it'' Hermione smiles. ''I knew it! This is what you have been trying for half a year now, and now you get to stay forever!'' We all laugh and then I decide to let them read my shifting script. Hermione looks at it in disgust. ''You like Malfoy?!'' She asks. ''Ermm..Maybee'' Before I knew it she starts to wheeze. ''Cheyenne and Malfoy sitting in a tre-'' I covered Hermione's mouth as soon as I could, hearing Draco's voice outside our dorm. ''Cheyenne let me in!'' The girls were smirking at me and I decided to get on his bad side for some reason. ''NOPE MALFOY!'' I shouted. ''Wrong answer, Alohomora!'' The door openend and Draco walked inside our dorm. ''I WAS going to ask you to hang out with me and my friends, but now that I see you hanging around with Miss Mudblood and Lady Bloodtraitor, I've changed my mind.'' He scoffs at me.  My mind went crazy. He wanted to ask me to hangout with him?! I cant believe it! ''I-'' I just sit there, next to the girls. Stuttering. I suppose he heard Hermione's song, and he is just fooling around. ''You?'' He looks at me. Hermione whispers in my ear. ''Its fine..Go with him.'' I decide to go and see what happens. I stand up and he grabs my hand and pulls me with him to the slytherin commonroom. He pushes me into a couch and looks at me. ''I know you like me.'' I felt my cheeks glow red in embarasment. ''I heard granger.'' Nope. Nope. Nope. Im absolutely doomed. ''I dont like you, so you better stay away from me.'' I felt myself tear up and I ran back to my dorm. I got into my room and slammed the door shut, digging my face into my pillow. I repeat my safe word over and over again, knowing it wont have any effect on this situation. I hear a gentle knock on my door. ''Cheyenne? Are you okay?'' I heard Hermiones worried voice crash into my crying. ''Y-yes! Im fine!'' I try to make myself sound as relaxed as possible, but my voice cracks. ''No you are not fine!'' I heard Ginny in the background. ''Can we come in? We got you donuts!'' Hermione begs. ''A-alright then. Alohomora.'' Im to lazy to walk to the door and open it, also just want to do magic. The girls walk in with a plate of my favourite donuts. ''Whats wrong Chey?'' I let it all out. I explain what happenend, and the further I get, the more tears run down my face. I  see Hermione boiling with anger, and she starts scoffing. ''Malfoy is such a brat! How could he do that to you?! Heartless, hes Heartless!'' Ginny nods in agreement, and I ask them if I can have some alone time. ''Oh, ofcourse Cheyenne.'' Hermione gives me a worried smile and the girls walk off. I force myself to stop crying. I deserve better. After what feels like ages, I fall asleep.

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