Long time no see..

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We were all riding our horses through the forest outside the wall as some of the leaves were falling down from the trees. Winter was coming and the cold wind made that clear.

The ride was calm with no titans in sight so a lot of people let their guard down..then suddenly it appeared..right in front of us..a Titan that no one was expecting to see.. I was about to jump into action when suddenly the Titan fell down in front of us with its neck sliced...

Everyone was shocked about what just happened until a person swinged and landed on the Titan's head...

I took a closer look only to realise it's y/n..I haven't seen them in such a long time and now there they were right in front of me. Erwin was shocked as well.. everyone was

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" I heard Erwin say and they jumped down from the Titan's head with a big smile. Their energy perfectly matches hange's they used to be best friends after all

"You guys know them?" Jean said from behind us. And just as I was about to answer they beat me to it.

" of course! My old man couldn't forget his own child" they said as they wrapped an arm around erwin's neck

Everyone was surprised and was staring at the person as if they were an alien. Small whispers could be heard from every direction. They looked around with a smile on their face until their eyes landed on me

"LEVI!!" They yelled and ran to me. "Long time no see huh?" Before I had the chance to say something they continued "damn you haven't even grown an inch is my dad feeding you properly?"

"Did they just talk like that to the captain??" Connie asked behind me and they just chuckled

"Oh yes, sorry..captain" I could hear the smirk in their voice and I was about to say something when I heard yelling "Y/NNNNN!!" Yeah that was definitely hange I swear these two never let me talk (imagine hange yelling y/n the way she yells LEVAAIIIII" in that scene ok?) hange ran to hug them

"Where have you been?! I missed you so much!!" Hange said while hugging them tightly

"Hange!! I missed you too and sorry I went MIA"

"Yeah yeah it's alright don't worry about it" hange said while still hugging them.

"Okay okay I need to go now hange" they turned to us with a small smirk on their face and said "see you all later"

With that they swung away with their gear getting ahead of us.

"Is that really the commander's kid?" "If so then why are they not part of the survey corps?"

All sorts of whispers could be heard all around us until the commander told us all to keep moving.

The closer to the wall we got we saw more and more dead titans around us and the commander was getting suspicious about it all. Until when we got closer we saw a person on the ground and assuming they were dead we decided to continue when we saw it was actually y/n.

The commander was the first one to jump off his horse and run towards them. I followed behind and luckily y/n were not dead.

"Dad.." we heard them whisper and as the commander was holding them in his arms with his eyes tearing up he responded "yes yes I'm here I'm here what happened?"

"D-dad the a-armoured Titan...I-is on its way t-to the wall y-you need to hurry.." they managed to stutter out and everyone gasped "I-I managed to s-slow it down a bit b-but you need to hurry" they continued.

The commander was about to pick y/n up when they said "n-no don't..I'm only going to slow you all down..you gotta hurry...please dad for once in your life listen to me!"

It was hard for him but he nodded with tears running down his face and laid them down on the floor again

I moved closer and sighed "y/n..." I started and they just moved one of their hands up to the side of my face while giving me a faint smile "don't worry...I'm going to be okay...if I survive I'll meet you at our usual spot at 9pm.." I nodded and kissed their head..

I never saw them again...

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