I - 533 Words

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Reader POV

I was in the alley where I usually go to see and care for a cat and her kittens. I was kneeling near the box where they stayed and saw the kitten I had named Patches was sleeping curled up beside his mama. I gently pet him feeling bad for the cards he had been dealt early in life, he had an injured leg and a missing eye due to a dog attack a few months ago. I picked him up carefully and held him, loving on him and giving him some well-deserved attention. I looked up when I saw a shadow start to loom over me and noticed a well-dressed man.

'Who is he? I haven't seen him here before.'


Sebastian POV

I stood waiting outside the shop my young master was in as a young woman, around 17 or 18, walked down an ally.

'Hm. There can't be anything down in a dingy ally for lady.' I thought as I watched her disappear into the dark walkway.

I waited before I approached from a distance and as I got closer I realized she was sitting near a box where a quiet and constant rumbling was heard.

'I thought I recognized that sound.' I watched the cats in awe as they wrestled about and played.

'Such precious creatures. Their soft fur and cute little paws. I must hold one.' absolutely unable to take my eyes off them I spoke.

"Hello there miss, What are you doing out and in this dark alley alone? It's no place for a lady such as yourself." I cautiously asked her. She looked at me shocked at the sound of another voice and noticing I was now kneeling next to her.

"What is your name miss?" I asked curious to see if she was a name I would recognize.

"I don't talk to strange men. Tell me why I should tell you my name?" She fired back at me as soon as the question left my mouth. I cracked a smile amused at her reaction.

"Here. Allow me to try again. My name is Sebastian. We aren't strangers anymore. Now, may you tell me your name?" I asked, smiling at her.

She huffed and reluctantly nodded.

"Alright fair enough. My name is (Y/N). I come over here as often as possible so I can feed and check on this family of cats. They have nobody and I have nothing better to do with my allowance." She sat the small kitten down back in the box and pulled out a small container of cat food and fed them.


Reader POV

I stood and brushed myself off, then watched as he stood and did the same. I looked at the sky noticing how dark it was getting.

'Oh damn! I'm dead if I don't get home soon!' I picked up the bag I had with me checking to be sure I had everything I brought.

"It was lovely meeting you Sebastian but I truly must be on my way." I sped off in the direction of my house.


Sebastian POV

'Hm. What an intriguing young woman.' I thought as I gently scratched the tiny injured kitten on the head and left to continue waiting for my young master to finish his shopping.

A Tainted Love (Sebastian X reader X Claude)Where stories live. Discover now