II - 286 Words

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Reader POV

As I ran from the alley back to my house I bumped into a small body and tumbled to the ground.

"Ouch!" I heard a feminine voice from under me. I laughed recognizing the voice as my twin sister Matilda. I moved off of her and sat up looking towards her.

"What are you doing here Mattie?" I asked brushing off my dress, happy to see it was just my sister.

"I was out looking for you silly! Dinner is almost ready and Dad was stressing out about you being on time for tonight." She said. It suddenly hit me that tonight was the annual ball my father had to show off his success from the previous year, it also was a way for the whole family to see old friends and have some well deserved fun.

"We need to go clean up then," I laughed "because I am a mess." I stood to my feet and helped her up and brushed her off.

"There. Now all that's left is that mud stain." I joked messing with her.

"No! This is my favourite dress!!! Now I'll have to get a new one!!! This isn't fair!" She screamed truly upset. I cracked up laughing watching her fret and flail.

"I was just messing with you Mattie. Calm down there isn't a mud stain." I smiled and started walking home with her. She playfully hit my arm, it did kind of hurt though.

"Don't ever play a joke on me like that! You know how much I love this dress!" She said trying to hide the smile trying to show itself.

We walked the short way home hand in hand smiling excited about seeing old friends tonight and just in general having a great time.


A Tainted Love (Sebastian X reader X Claude)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang