IV - 1268 Words

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**Not completely Proofread but skimmed over with spellcheck XD**

Reader POV

I got to where my sister stood speaking and smiling with a tall male.

"Is this who I think it is sis?" I asked with a knowing grin

"(Y/N) this is Andrew Thompson, Andy this is my sister (Y/N)." she smiled excitedly introducing us. I toned down the grin to smile and shook his hand

"It's nice to finally meet you Andrew, I have heard many things about you in the short time the two of you have been speaking." He smiled back and nodded "same could be said about you. All good things I hope?"

"All good things indeed, I hope she hasn't shared too many secrets about me though, have to be careful with this one, she's a leaky faucet on the best of days. Heaven forbid you try to plan a surprise party for someone around her." I teased as my sister took in an offended gasp before thumping me on the shoulder and pouting

I laughed and grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug "I still love you though, it makes life more fun. I wouldn't know half the gossip in town if it wasn't for you and you know it."

"Mattie, (Y/N)!!! Are you out here?" a high pitched voice asked in the quiet of the garden and I went stock still eyes wide in fear

Mattie giggled at my reaction "Yes!!!" She responded watching my face fall in shock at the audacity

"She's gonna kill me." I said bluntly

"She's younger and smaller than you, you could take her." her brows creased

"Her family would kill me."

"You and Peter would probably take them down first if we are talking truthfully. Why are you so scared of her?"

"I'm NOT scared of her. I just don't like strangers in my personal space criticising me because I'm not wearing something 'cute'" I responded quickly hearing her voice getting closer

"I'm going back inside tell her I had to run to the ladies room or something. " I said backing up and heading back and around the bushes to keep hidden till I got back inside.

"Okay, if you say so." Mattie shrugged with a small smile

"Love you sis!" I said rushing back inside to hide in the crowd.

I got back inside and went to the billiards room which I expected to see empty but instead found full of old men smoking and drinking. I deadpanned and sighed "Smoke outside Please. We don't smoke in here it discolours everything and leaves an odour which is absolutely impossible to get out. "

"Who are you to tell us what to do?" one of the drunker ones asked. I felt a familiar presence behind me and smirked

"She is one of the Ladies of this household and she is right. We have had complaints of the smell from people who would have liked to come in and play but instead found you all. All we ask is that you smoke out on the balcony or terrace in order for us all to have a better time and so those that wish can come in and enjoy the furnishings."

"Who are you to tell us what to do boy?" an angrier one replied with a scowl

"The butler of this household. I recommend you either remove yourself from this room or stop smoking before I decide to get my Lord involved. I don't think he would take kindly to his favourite room smelling of cheap cigars and spilled alcohol." He grinned politely while keeping a threatening air about him. They all went wide eyed for a moment before there was a resounding grumbled fine and they left the room. I let out a sigh and leaned on the table staring up at the ceiling.

"Thank you Peter, I just needed a moment. You want to play a game?" I asked walking towards the cues and grabbing a couple

"You know a lady should really be playing the piano or singing, not playing billiards." He smirked

"Since when have you known me to be your typical lady. It's no different than me saying a demon should be making deals and eating souls not befriending humans." I chuckled. He nodded agreeing and taking a cue stick

"Fair Fair. So anybody caught your eye?"

"Nobody other than you. I'm older than those of marrying age and I'm younger than other lords. Still able to provide children which is all people seem to look at me for. That or they want my father's company and money, which I refuse to hand over. We build weapons and supplies for the armed forces on top of that we are the top manufacturer for explosives and tools in the mining industry. Any of that in the wrong hands would be an absolute nightmare. " I stated matter of factly lining up the cue ball with the others and sending it knocking into them breaking them apart.

"I'm glad you are getting control now more then. I know you will do what is needed to keep it all out of the wrong hands. In other news I found some information about Nikolai. Seems he has been working for your father for a while after all. He's being honest about that but I am unsure of his intentions when it comes to wanting to meet you first. Seems he was adamant he meet you before anyone else."

"Do you think he is a supernatural?"

"Oh, he is. He is a demon which wasn't hard to figure out once I checked around and followed him at the party for a bit. There's something too perfect about him that most humans wouldn't notice. What I don't get is why he wanted to meet you so desperately."

"I'd suggest he wants my soul but I hate to tell him it's already spoken for, I'm just not doing it for a deal. I just know you'll be stuck all on your lonesome when I die." I laughed as the door opened and distracted me making me miss my shot

"Damn. I was gonna make it too." I huffed not acknowledging the people who just entered

"Such a foul mouth for a lady."

"Really? I'm in my own house in my own billiards room. I can talk how I please. Plus you made me miss my shot Mr....?" I said not looking up watching Peter line up and take his shot

"Sebastian Michaelis and this is my master, Ciel Phantomhive." he stated

I looked up and rolled my eyes "Oh, it's you." I looked over at Ciel and nodded in greeting

"How have you been Lord Phantomhive. Would you like to play a game once I conclude this one?"

"I think I would quite enjoy that Lady (Y/N). It has been a while hasn't it?"

"It has and I owe you a rematch if I am correct?"

He chuckled "You are correct. I intend to win this time as well."

"Good, don't make it easy." I grinned as I aimed and took my shot hitting one in and bouncing off and hitting the other in.

"I didn't know you both knew each other?" Sebastian said confused at how he could have missed this

"Families have known each other for a while. They have always been competitive with games. Pool and chess especially, they are equals intellectually and they have always found solace and a friendship in that fact. I'm surprised it has slipped past you.....demon." Peter said with a smirk as his eyes started to burn with a threatening light.

"Peter it's fine, leave him be not all demon butlers can be as all knowing as you are." I teased

"No but they can damn well try." He grinned back with a chuckle

A Tainted Love (Sebastian X reader X Claude)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon